Automatic burp detection

Did you train a deep learning or machine learning model on a bunch of burps? Seems like it would be hard to do without that. Would love to have one for farts haha

The girls at GP_TV burp occasionally and some of them are pretty good, but it’s hard to find them searching through Twitch chat because sometimes no one comments on it. Here’s their latest stream; it’s long but there should be some in there? Twitch

I actually tried it a couple of years ago but didn’t have much luck then. Then recently I re-found my folder of burp .wav files lol and thought I’d have another go at it.

I made the video a bit long maybe but it picked up a few.


Why is the files subdomain unencrypted http, despite discourse served via https ?

Discourse isn’t very customisable, even sharing files outside of their attach to post option is quite awkward to set up. So I’m just using a separate server for simplicity which doesn’t have https.


This is a really cool idea. Do you need help, for example more files with pure burping sounds? Do you plan to publish the code and the machine learning model, which would be very nice? :slight_smile:

I’d bet there’s a big toolchain involved in getting this to work. Probably would be a lot of working figuring how to get everything in to a portable format

@TC is pretty much correct. tbh it’s kind of a mess spread out over a couple of computers and a few VPSes at the moment. But I appreciate the offer. I would probably need help with web design if anything, since I think making a website would probably be most user friendly thing.

I could help you there. Would there be remuneration on the cards?

Yeah of course, assuming it turned into a proper project, but I don’t want to promise anything until I have something less vague worked out than ‘make a website’


Thanks! I can let you know about my competencies either here in this thread or if you prefer in a resume. I won’t include my name on it or any other telltale specifics, and I won’t be able to put this gig on a resume either, but more experience and money is always a good thing.

I heard there were some burps in this one. Worth trying with the tool?

Just found this and thing you created is very impressive hope something comes of it

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Sorry for the delay. Here’s the output.

No problem, champ. That’s an awesome tool!

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I’m just curious if that’s going to be YouTube-useable soon :eyes:

It’s youtube-useable already. Post a link if you want to check something.

Recently Lady Arieta/xImperialKnight has been uploading her twitch streams to youtube. Haven’t had the motivation to go through them recently, so maybe your creation can help out!

Thanks for this, interesting idea.

Here’s the video.