How to increase volume/length?

How do i increase the volume and length of my burps? I feel like i can’t force all air out in one burp. And no matter how hard i push it doesnt increase the volume or length. I can use gulping a bit and inhaling.

Try opening your mouth wide.

I feel like that makes it get stuck easier though… but I will give i another try. Thanks!

And sticking your bottom jaw forward


That allways worked for me plus the expression looks reaally hot


For me, it’s about optimising things before I start. I burp best when I’m not on a completely empty stomach, but I haven’t just eaten. So a few hours after breakfast usually is perfect. I also drink water to help line the stomach and stop acid reflux.

I combine inhale and gulping for the biggest burps. I take a small sip of water and inhale immediately as much as I can. I then top this up with as many gulps as I can. Then I wait. This can be uncomfortable, so it takes getting used to. Then when I feel the gas has combined and is about to come up, and I feel that shift, I inhale again just before. Then gulp more on top. Really pushing it. Then I wait again. When it comes up that time I force it up and enjoy the results.

Practicing that makes me more tolerant to the amount.