
“Read a book” “You know nothing”

Sir we have a discussion you don’t need to insult me here, this is typical lol.

I am aware of the definition also it is transphobic. also I’m not a sir

My apologies for not knowing your gender the ghost not trying to insult you, but the definition of transphobia invalidates what you’re saying is transphobic completely. But no worries I will let you keep believing what you need to.

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I think with this subject people often mix up sexual preferences with some kind of moral statement. Most straight men I know for example would consider the prospect of sexuality with a transwoman to be highly unpleasant, but at the same time would strongly support trans people having rights and freedom in society. Whether someone supports or opposes those rights is where I’d define something as transphobic or not.


This is literally the only reply I’ve seen that makes sense so far. :clap:

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it feels like you want a fight, I am sorry if you don’t but I made this post to address clear transphobia and you have just been slightly rude. Prejudice of any kind should not be tolerated and both things I brought up were and are transphobic. If GBV and Moe are your friends then good for you but defending their words by saying something is not what it clearly is just wasting your time.

I’m not friends with anybody you mentioned here. I am only just responding to you and having a normal conversation. I’m sorry if I came across as rude, but I don’t think that I have. I Just think you are arguing about something that literally has no basis based on what you described. You still haven’t found a way to explain to me that you know the definition of transphobia you just threw it at him because he called a woman who transitioned a man. At the end of the day, people are going to have opinions that you don’t agree with and if you get upset about that then that sounds like a problem within yourself that you need to deal with.

Point of thread:

Person responding w “that is a man not a woman” is wrong for “misgendering” but he’s not transphobic. He never hated on transgender people or mentioned being scared of or not wanting to have them as part of our society. You are upset because you believe he’s transphobic for calling someone the wrong gender identity and that is also wrong. The only person who was slightly rude here was you because you tried to insult me by saying I didn’t have any knowledge on the subject, even though you still haven’t been able to prove me wrong. :person_shrugging:t2:

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This is not a “fight” either if you wanna “fight” then take that somewhere else, I’m having a conversation with you about why you’re misinformed and also spreading incorrect information based on what the definition of the word that you used is. You have every right to be upset because he called an MTF a man, but your basis behind it still does not make sense because he’s not being a transphobe. He never said anything that would make him a transphobe. You don’t know who he is in real life so you don’t know the truth behind what he wrote. If you wanna choose to be angry about it then that’s on you.

I have seen both of them say transphobic things. If I saw someone screaming slurs in the street and called them a bigot would I be wrong? honest question. You are acting like I don’t know what he said. I posted screen shots which is literal evidence. I mean there is no joke in their comments so what is your point?

screaming slurs in the street at someone or just into the air ? Keep in mind I am from NYC where I see people just screaming the N-word looking straight up at the sky all day long and I don’t necessarily believe that they’re racist. I believe that they have mental problems. Most of the people doing this are black too btw. :sweat_smile::joy:

At another person? Then yes racist. I haven’t seen the person who offended you screaming at anybody’s face about how they’re not a woman yet have you?

This is like saying someone cracking a joke about a specific race is automatically racist, you’re not racist unless you actually hate the person because of their race. This applies in the context of this thread too.

The lengths the people in this thread, and in life in general, will go to defend transphobia is crazy. This post is completely right to call out the transphobia in this community. Misgendering trans people is transphobic. Quoting Wikipedia: “Transphobia consists of negative attitudes, feelings, or actions towards transgender people or transness in general. Transphobia can include fear, aversion, hatred, violence or anger towards people who do not conform to social gender roles.” This is a very simple issue, acting negatively towards a community makes you phobic of that community, regardless of what you think being transphobic means.


This is a gross oversimplification of racism and it sounds like you don’t actually understand what discrimination is at all but you do you, king.


So you’re gonna believe Wikipedia over websters dictionary? Okay.

No it’s not, but okay lol.

The context in which I wrote that was between friends, not just a random person on the street, I used to have shit talking contests in school with all my multi racial friends and we all loved each other and would say some of the most heinous shit to each other so idk.

You can promote racist ideologies without actually “hating” a person by making or spreading jokes that are rooted in negative stereotypes and ideas about a race. “It’s just a joke” is not a free pass to just say whatever and pretend it’s removed from any other context.

Plenty of actual bigots use “humor” as a way to mask their disgusting rhetoric because people like you insist on the idea that someone can’t be racist unless they literally burn crosses and wear KKK hoods and shit.


What? Merriam-Webster supports my point. “Transphobia: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against transgender people”. Misgendering falls under aversion and discrimination. If you actively make trans people uncomfortable and resist against their identity, how is that not transphobic?

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I responded to the wrong person here this was supposed to be a response to Gaia