For me, I think it began when I was young and my mom’s friend looked after me when she was busy. Her, and all her daughters and sons were older than me, and all did insane belches. But I never could.
They’d always burp and laugh and talk about it afterwards, and asking me what I thought and if I burped or had a family that burped this much. I’d always be fascinated but could never do it well.
I remember once I burped close to one of their faces because I’d seen them do it and they thought it was funny, but when I did it, all of a sudden it was disgusting and off putting. I was so embarrassed and never burped infront of people again, but the fascination continued and strengthened.
I hear fetishes come from even in the past so perhaps this is how my mind turned it into something sexual. Can anyone else potentially pin point where their fetish started?
Same experience as you but happened at lunchtime in the classroom in front of the students and the teacher, I was in the 4th grade, and asked my classmate for some of her pop drink, the way she looked at me was hilarious and poured the drink in my mouth, I wanted to laugh but I couldn’t or else I’d spit out the drink, so I swallowed it quick and start laughing, then that embarrassing thing happened and all eyes were on me lol I was so embarrassed I hid my face with a book and shift the blame and when I got home, I told my mom to change my school lol
Right now and today I’m anxious and avoid eating/drinking in front of people because that incident shattered my esteem lol.
Anyways back to the question, the fetish for me starts when I was 5ish because of cartoons and family members with no table manners
Im not totally sure when it started…but I remember being fascinated since at least age 6 or so? I didnt put it together that it was a fetish, I just knew hearing burping or hearing the word “burp” made me feel funny in a good way. I never could burp myself unless im sick, so I always wondered if that was why i have this fetish. I always imagine how satisfying it must feel to burp and that turns me on. I remember watching Candace Bailey on Nickelodeon and being super excited to see her on there.