Rules for everyone
Do not post anything that could have a negative impact on someone’s business. For example, no piracy of content that someone is currently trying to sell.
Do not post content of anyone under 18, this includes cartoons or drawings.
Otherwise, we’re easy going. Just try to be a good member. That means try to make posts that are interesting, insightful, funny, entertaining etc. And try not to make posts that are annoying, stupid, pointlessly abrasive, etc.
Rules for content producers
If you’re a content producer you must either post a link to your video on a site that has ID verification (for example OnlyFans) or post a sample video where you say something like ‘hi bfforums’. This is to prevent scams and to stop people from unauthorised reselling of your content.
Advertising is allowed but must be posted in the commercial section. No covert advertising outside of that category please (we know what you’re doing).