A fetish with a conflicting nature

I think having a fetish can bypass some very basic human instincts in certain situations. With this fetish, I think it’s mostly disgust.

I know it’s not unusual to like something you wouldn’t like in a situation that isn’t sexual, a person who’s into bondage can dislike the same situation in a non sexual scenario, but with this fetish, I think things can be completely revolting without the sexual aspect holding everything together.

I don’t mind “newly inhaled” air burps, but I find videos with food very off-putting, and let’s just say having burps in them doesn’t exactly make them any less repulsive. The problem is that naturally, some of those videos have some very good burps, which trigger the fetish and override some very deep feelings of disgust I’d normally have. I usually try to avoid those videos, but whenever a video is good enough to make me surrender to the fetish, I end up feeling very conflicted afterwards, and ultimately, feeling like I went through a pretty disgusting experience.

I go through a similar process with face burps.

I was wondering if there were people here with similar experiences.


I have misophonia so food is just a no, I also dislike people with no manners which seems like an oxymoron but like just be a civil human being in public and say excuse me. I think some burps just catch me off guard in general but the context can change.

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