A Safe Space To Burp

This was inspired by a DM convo, but I find myself really liking the idea, so… let’s talk about it :3

Where’s your safe space to burp? A place where you feel completely, totally comfy and safe while you relax your throat and make that beautiful noise we all know and love? I’ve just started burping recently, and for me, it’s in my covers late at night.

This thread can also be a safe place in and of itself :heart: Please feel free to belch and leave your thoughts on it in the comments~ maybe describe the sensation of how it felt coming out, if you’d like :slight_smile: We need to encourage each other after all.

I know I’m a bit unique in my particular interest on the “lovey-dovey/comfy” aspect of the kink, but I’m hoping a thread like this might brighten someone’s day, at least :slight_smile:


Way out in the woods where theres no one around is my absolute favorite :blush: I’m pretty shy about it most of the time, so its nice to let loose without any reservations out there


In a Cannibal’s house. nah all jokes aside one’s bedroom

I just did one as I walked in there just now :face_with_hand_over_mouth: it’s definitely the most comfy place I think- plus it’s quiet so you can usually enjoy the noise more. Mine have just started really making noise (new burper) so that part is the most exciting-


one place, while growing up and learning about the fetish, was at home when i knew i was alone
another one that still remains is out in nature, (again) when i’m alone

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Usually when I’m driving is when I’ll practice. It’s just like singing your favorite song! No one can hear you and just me and the open road! I also work in a pretty loud work place so burping at work is pretty fun!


Very nice x3 I imagine that must be a nice way to stay entertained on long trips :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I’ll get there one day! I feel like that day will be soon, fingers crossed

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Anywhere in my apartment (well preferably in my bed) when I have the place to myself and the phone’s to my ear and my competitive female friend is on the other end. Not only is it a safe place where I can let em out without worrying about looking gross, ill-mannered, or uncouth, but also, she’ll make hers more intense, just to outdo me


We do love competetive female friends :face_with_hand_over_mouth: especially ones, imo, who just feel so much better burping a few times~ She deserves that relief, even if she gets embarrassed at first


Kinda the opposite of what this thread is about, but I feel like many people find burping in places that are the opposite of safe spaces even more exciting, places where there’s the thrill of possibly getting caught.

To me, the idea of a girl doing it for the adrenaline rush after each burp is pretty hot on its own lol.


I totally agree. There is lots of excitement for me know that someone could potentially hear me practicing.

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i live in a small house with two other people so i have basiclly zero privacy. i keep everything in until i get the chance to go to my grandad’s old house in the countryside, where there are no people around for miles.

as soon as im there, i be letting them fly and god it feels so good to be finally completely unrestrained


When I lived alone, I was letting them rip all the time. Now that I have roommates, I pretty much only burp in my car or when I’m home alone. These days, any time I’m driving, I’m belching as much as I can


How do you manage to control your burps like this? I burped just as much when I had roommates as I do alone.