Awkward and Embarrassing moment

Oof. The cringe is real in here folks. I’m glad we can cringe together.


Damn… that’s when u pray he has eye boogers or something. Something that could’ve possibly blurred his vision… so he doesn’t know for sure whether he saw what he thinks he saw

Come to think of it… there was another time that I could’ve possibly have been exposed. I remember this female from Tampa ( I mentioned her before but LMK if u missed it and wanna hear about my experience with her) who used to send voicemails of her burping on this chatline I met her from…because we used to try and out do one another. I specifically remember one night I was listening to her audio recording. Well u know how loud some cell phone speakers can be. I remember listening to her message and my girl at the time was right near me, and she stared at me and smiled. Didn’t even say a word. Just smiled at me for like 3 or 4 seconds. At first I thought I was gonna just listen to the message she sent me, and I’d be turned on discreetly. BUT NO… by the time I had realized it was loud enough for anyone in my vicinity to hear… it was too late