Best food for the best sounding burps?

Okay so personally I find that when I consume dairy based products (milkshakes, ice cream, yogurt, etc) I make the best burp sounds. Like it’s hard to explain but there’s a sort of thick gurgly-ness that comes out with the milk burps? And I really don’t know of anything else that can make a close comparison sound-wise but it’s a hard fav for me.


Garlicky foods never fail to make me have massive burps. Pizza is pretty good also, especially in combination with beer. Personally, I don’t eat much meat, so eating a burger tends to give me pretty beefy (haha) burps too. Kombucha is a hidden gem for burping!

Drinking milk would often give me chunky burps. It’s such a heavy liquid. I think I know exactly what you’re talking about. lol