Best way to practice burping on command?

I’ve slowly been getting better at burping on command and I even learned how to inhale pretty well my problem comes with pushing the burp out if it doesn’t get stuck immediately I feel like I have to strain to get a decent belch out and even then it comes out weak and just leaves me with a sore throat the way i approach burping is to try to “vomit” the air out which is the only way I kind of figured out but I don’t think gagging myself right any advice?

Are you someone who would burp naturally prior to trying to learn how to burp on command? Like from food and drink etc?

Yes but I was never able to push the air out on purpose it would come out on its own after a few minutes

I think the best thing to do is pay attention to what happens when it comes up naturally. For me, there’s usually a shift, then it comes up. At the point of the shift, all I do to help is basically tense up my abs to increase the pressure in my abdomen. And reverse tense my diaphragm a bit (in the same way you would when you really try and shout loud or sing at the top of your voice). It just takes a bit of practice.

But I’ve always liked my burps when I’ve waited for them to come up by themselves, I just give them a bit of encouragement on top of that!

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