Bringing the burp fetish into the real world

I have told a few platonic friends about my burp fetish in recent years. The responses are, “that’s a new one”, “seriously?”, “that’s messed up”, or they go into a litany of their more conventional kinks. Very rarely, one of them will let out a short, deliberate burp and say, “I knew you would like that”. But, in every case I regret telling them about my fetish for burping.

Enough about me.

Have you had any positive confessing your burp fetish to people in your personal and/or dating life?


I told a friend like a few years ago, it was dumb because I felt the need to tell him as a secret. Its kind of like the movie “Liar Liar” where Jim Carrey cant lie, it was like that for me. But yeah he found it really weird and was honestly shocked, and after a few months when he brought it back up, I told him it was a lie just to get us to talk about stuff because I was bored. He said “Good, honestly I thought you were a freak for liking that stuff” …hopefully he was joking?


I tell all my partners, none have reacted negatively thank goodness.


I’ve told only girls, and quite a few of them, even after seeing them on two dates hahaha. I haven’t had any bad reactions from memory. Some laugh and then apologise saying they haven’t heard it before. Others are very accepting and don’t care too much. Some give pretty much no response and move on, which I don’t think is the best.


Told a few guys I met through dating apps about it and they were pretty chill about it. They didn’t judge me, they pretty much accepted it. At least two of the guys ive talked to burped for me over the phone and both of those experiences were extremely hot. It was honestly hotter than watching a video tbh. Its so much hotter when a guy is doing it on purpose to turn you on.


Well I remember my one long time female friend talking to me on the phone one night about a year ago and we were both pretty drunk. She started confessing to be that she had a weird fetish and she told me not to judge her. Finally she told me that she likes to pretend that when she’s screwing a man that he’s her father. so after she told me that …I figured my fetish couldn’t seem that weird to her. So I told her about it and she said (That’s HOT) I confess to her about the one and only burpjob that I received from my friend Alicia and that’s the part that she said was hot. I doubt she even remember that conversation though being that she did drink so much wine that night


Oh tons. Mostly turned into people doing it around me more or them trying their hand at making money off of it since they had no idea it was a thing.

It’s mostly been chill and no one even bats an eye at it anymore

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