Burp fetish increasing

Does anyone ever find that their fetish gets stronger at some points in life and not as strong in other?

For example, a couple months ago i barely thought about burps and would only watch videos around once a week, but before that id do it a lot more frequently.

I would say at the moment i’m in full burp flow really, im drinking sprite any chance i get because i love to burp at the moment, as well as making myself burp on command when i get the chance too. I even found that i like to do it in public now, and i did it a couple times in the cinema yesterday just for my own fun.

I’m not entirely sure what the point of this post is, but i just wanted to share it lol


I’m currently on a binge (haha see what I did there) with burps and big belly content. I’ve been aroused for days and masturbated constantly. It’s way more intense now and I don’t know why.


I think you are very lucky to be into your own burps, whether it’s with Sprite or on command. You have found your biggest pleasure source and can satisfy yourself any time. You are not alone. 80% of my orgasms are from on command burping content. I think it’s awkward at first, because the greatest fulfillment usually comes from person to person connections that are physical. Like you, it’s all about the burps. I don’t need anyone…I only crave on command burps for the most part. It is addictive and a reliable source of greatest enjoyment!


I actually can’t burp on command or burp very loudly or big myself. I just really enjoy when others do.


Same here. I wish I could burp on command. It would make me feel more part of the fetish community, and I could contribute to other people’s enjoyment of the fetish we share.


For me (being a lady), it really depends on my cycle. I get way hornier/easily aroused in my ovulation window, and disinterested in anything sexual before, during, and right after my period (there are exceptions haha). Also, I now go months sometimes in between forum visits, though I do regularly think about burping and get aroused by it :woman_shrugging: It will always be a part of my identity and sexuality but in busier seasons of my life, I often don’t think about it much tbh


With me… it depends on the day of the week. Like when I’m work free and child free, I really get in the mood. And lately I’ve been feeling the need to watch certain videos or listen to certain audio recordings right before I go to work. My left brain is telling me you only have 7 minutes to get to work… but by right side is telling me (fuck that, you work right around the corner so if you’re late, you’re not going to be that late). I’ve been listening to my right side lately


Was just gonna say this lol. The fetish is always in the back of my mind somewhere, but during and after my period it’s definitely at the forefront :rofl:

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