Burping in a relationship (Advice)

Hi, I am M(20) and recently found out about this forum. I have been looking to talk about this fetish for a long time as no one in my personal life knows about it.

I just recently got out of a 5 year relationship with a girl who wasn’t very fetish friendly. She did belch a lot though… But I never discussed it with her. For as long as I can remember female burps turned me on. I don’t want to get into another relationship or situation where I have to hide my fetishes, it is kinda exhausting and also makes me feel ashamed of myself.

I am looking to talk to people who are also into burping and have experiences with their partners accepting their fetish. How did you tell them? how do you find someone who is accepting? And how can it work so both parties get enjoyment from it?


Hello, in my case it was with a boy, we lasted about 6 months. Regarding your questions, I told him when we were cuddling after sex. I think it is important to know the person first, what kind of connection you have and if they are willing to listen to you and burp for you. After that it was really fun all the burping for me during sex sometimes.

but I totally support your idea of being free in your sexuality and tell your sexual partners about it if its something important for your sexual realization :slight_smile:


He told me that even though he didn’t have the fetish, he really enjoyed making me enjoy. He even burped quite loudly in front of me once and said “I love that a talent as useless as burping can make my boyfriend happy”


i don’t want to speak for all women but personally , i like when guys are not shy about their fetish. I mean, don’t necessarily tell me on the first date that you’re into something taboo, not because it’s gross but just because it’s not appropriate. The burping fetish is tame compared to other fetishes, so I think having confidence when you tell a new person will really take you a long way. It’s not like you’re telling someone you have a fetish that could put someone or yourself in danger, for example. I’ve actually had people ask me what’s my kink, if i have a fetish, and while I don’t always outright tell them I have a burp fetish, someone who cares about you and satisfying you will not care. It also kinda reflects what kind of person they are if they aren’t accepting. There’s a difference between being accepting and being repulsed by it. We are all different and we can’t help that so who is someone else to judge you for your fetish? My advice would be learn to be more comfortable and confident with your own sexual desires and the rest will follow. Especially if burping is the only thing or one of the only things that get you off.


Very well said.

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