Circle jerks?

Yeah, I know. I just thought it was funny because I felt the way he phrased it came off as if wasn’t in on everything. lol

He presumably means that they realized they were transgender.

I have never been a part of such masturbatory experiences as indicated above but I am familiar with men comparing cock sizes. In my adolescence, it was almost undeniable to me that I was bisexual and so I never took much interest in the acts beyond one experience with a male friend who was a bit older than I at the time (we were both teens). Following my recognition of my sexuality I felt that it was predatory to engage in such acts without the clarity of my orientation.

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Yeah I guess you could say that haha, but not me of course lol

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They identify as girls now

Yeah, I understood your meaning. They’re trans women. They’ve recognized that their intellectual identity did not align with their physical form. They recognized that nature made a material error but graced humankind with the capacity to overcome material errors. It’s been a common occurrence throughout human history.

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wow thank you for all the replies. i pop in once and a while but this really opened my eyes.

a long time ago a friend of mine who is a girl joked about men always comparing dick sizes but I said “I never did that with my friends wtf are you talking about?” and she was adamant that I was lying all like “of course you’ve measured your dick and told your friends about it” but I honestly never did. it was quite annoying actually how adamant she was about thinking something was true in my own life that I never did lol

Me and my girl friends compare dick sizes aswell

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