Did you hate burping before you had the fetish?

I know most people develop the fetish at a pretty early age, but those of you who remember a point at which you didn’t have the fetish, were any of you repulsed by or hated burping?


I hated all burping when i was very young, around 2nd grade ish i decided i liked on command burps but hated natural burps. It wasn’t until i went through puberty and figured out burping wasn’t just an innocent thing i liked that I started liking natural burps.


I still hate burps and to be more specific my own and others. for my fetish brain to be activated it has to be certain circumstances

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I do not hate gas but it’s made me uncomfortable in the past. I’ve worked rather hard to ensure that others’ unexpected emissions do not bother me so. My anxiety over it has caused turmoil in the past with people close to me and that was unacceptable. So, I changed.

I’d be curious to know how it is that all burps disgust you unless under certain circumstances.

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Honestly it was so long ago I don’t really remember. I don’t think I hated it I was just rather indifferent to it… though seeing my friends or family burp growing up was kinda awkward

Can I burp for you?

Your whole day is ruined? That seems terribly unfortunate that you’d let something so natural disrupt your mind that way. I don’t mind at all to hear males belch. I understand the slight awkwardness but it’s no different, objectively, than a woman’s belches.


I remember I hated public burps when I was around 15, it was a special feeling, like a kind of anger. But it wasn’t the case with my friends.
I think that I feel the same today but I’m not sure it is as much as it was.

I hated it so much that if I knew a burp was coming on a show or movie, I’d leave the room to avoid it.


I didn’t think anything of it either way at first. When I heard a fellow elementary student belch on command next to me, I lit up with curiosity and asked him how he did it. The rest was history.

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I definitely hated it. It’s funny how when I was a little boy, I never cared for it. Then when I got to the 8th grade (because of this annoying classmate of mine) I hated it. Absolutely despised her doing it. But by the time I got to the 10th grade, because one of my two classmates ( didn’t see if it was Jessica or Jill but they always sat together in the front of the class so it was one of them) I was intrigued and infatuated by females doing it ever since that day. And that annoying classmate from 8th grade… Well let’s just say, every now and then…I reminisce on those burps that she used to do. I even tried to get her to do a few of them during our adult hood

I wouldn’t say I hated it but I found it super gross for a while.

I always hated the way others around me reacted to burping as being gross or funny. I hated being alone with this fetish for on command burping. I especially hated how I was turned on by it more than anything else. I just gradually realized I can’t wish it away. Resistance is futile!

I was also one of the people that was uncomfortable by it before the fetish/kink developed. as I got older, if someone around me burped irl or on a movie, I would think about it for hours. I wonder if the initial discomfort we felt before getting the fetish was a sign it was developing?

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