Do you burp in public?

I’m super curious about this. I’ll make some follow up topics when the results are in. Also please explain your answer if you want to!

  • Yes, because it turns me on
  • Yes, unrelated to the fetish
  • No, but it would turn me on
  • No, and I don’t want to
  • Sometimes (please elaborate!)
  • Other (please elaborate!)
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i enjoy burping in front of mature ladies


I do if I’m in a restaurant after a big meal. I did yesterday. I was in quite a posh restaurant, I was halfway through my meal when I suddenly hiccuped loudly. As I went to apologise for making such a sudden loud noise, a loud gross belch came up instead, bringing up half my food into my mouth. It wasn’t expected, and after I had done it I put my hand over my mouth and said “I am sorry”. It was embarrassing because the force of the burp made me involuntarily open my mouth like I was doing it on purpose, but I wasn’t. Everyone at the table laughed. It wasn’t a pleasant experience for me though. Imagine swallowing a mouthful of food only to burp it back up. Gross!


sometimes, it depends where I’m at and how many people are there. I usually keep my mouth closed and try to keep it quiet, but there have been times where even with keeping my mouth closed, it is audible to others. as much as I love burping and can do it on command, I try to stay respectful in public and don’t do it unless it’s a natural one.


I don’t belch very much in general unless I’m trying to do it on purpose, I don’t really have any shame though. I’ve never had one uncontrollably loud come out of me though except for at home lolll


I don’t at all. I find it less awkward to do it in the privacy of my own home. If I do it in public…it slipped out. Now, if I I find a female who loves to hear me do it ( whether it’s her fetish or she just finds it amusing) I’ll go all in with the burping, but not in public lol. I’d be too damn embarrassed and it’ll portray an image other than the one I want to be seen of myself

Honestly I really relate to this. I have a friend who when he’s drinking will occasionally blast the biggest burps he can, in front of anyone. I’d love to do the same thing, but it doesn’t really mesh with my personality.


Depending on my mood, I like to get reactions and sometimes even let my gut hang out :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


I try not to, due to manners and all that. Occasionally one will slip and I’ll have to excuse myself.

Classy but sexy. Nice :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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