Do you get turned on burping sex

:smiling_face_with_tear:guys :joy_cat:sorry if its cringe but i really really love a gassy man in bed the man who fucks you will he burps i really love it obe time i was on bed with my man we had dinner and he kept burping i was turned on so we made love and he wasnt burping during sex after finishing he was burping again so that kept me wanting him more and more the next day we just finished lunch he was burping and i initiated sex so we made love while he was burping on my back it was so sexy had to cum like a thousand times during doggy style he just kept letting them burps out i kept cumming and cumming daaamn


Fuck that’s so sexy I would cum until I have nothing to cum to

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Burp sex is awesome! You get double pleasure from the release of gas and cum lol

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Personally I have never had burping sex but I am open to it.

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U should try it its the best sex :drooling_face:

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I can’t burp on command. But, I could imaging doing burp sex if my partner was aroused by their own burps…if that makes sense. Otherwise, it would work, because I would feel selfish using someone’s burping abilities for my own pleasure.

I’ve been eaten out before and he had to pause for a closed mouth burp. He kept eating me out after burping. It was so hot I came instantly.


The first time my partner and I got it on, he was kind of gassy. He was eating me out and had to stop to burp, and he paused twice while we were making out to belch. It made him really embarrassed, but I thought he was adorable and always pulled him back in to continue


Yess!! I can’t burp on command myself but I’m hooking up with a trans girl who can. She burped a few times after deep throating me and it was amazing. First time I’ve actually came from someone burping irl and it was fantastic :star_struck:


I am so happy for you. Many of us keep our fetish a 100% fantasy thing, and the only sex is masturbation. But, you took it to the next level, and I hope you get to experience is more often in the future.


I know right I wish to all of us in the forum to have the best and experience it