Do you have other fetishes? Do they seem to be linked with burping or separate things?

Do you have multiple fetishes, or just burping. Also, do you still have much of a ‘normal’ sexual desire e.g. do vaginas/penis’/normal porn still turn you on, and to what degree?

I ask because I find it interesting of course, but also because my own sexual preferences are very complex and don’t resemble a ‘normal’ persons much at all. And I am just curious to know how normal that is for people with the fetish, or if it is more straight forward for some.

The only things that can turn me on to a significant degree are: Burping, Hiccups, Bare Feet, Boobs. And exclusive from females only. The girl also usually has to fit into a certain body shape and facial features. That is average to slim build, not overweight (chubbymunchkin is an odd and only exception to this rule), what I consider a cute or hot face, also be within the age range of 18-late thirties. I would say that I am fairly shallow and picky. Easily more than 50% of girls are automatically disqualified based on looks before I have even heard them burp. Those are the basic criteria. Bare in mind I don’t have any control over this, I just like what I like.

Crucially I also have none of the usual sexual desires (unless you count boobs), both penises and vaginas are equally disgusting to me and both an instant turn off. This part of my sexuality is extremely strong and important. So much so that if I see any genitals at all in a video, regardless of anything else, I will be turned off and unable to watch that video again. Therefore ‘normal’ porn is extremely disgusting to me, I can’t stand even reading the titles or seeing the thumbnails, my sex drive and desires are completely dissociated from what I figure normal people experience. And it always has been. I didn’t suddenly start to like burping and hating vaginas an then it became a fetish. From as young as I can remember I have always been obsessed with burping and my other fetishes and knew it wasn’t quite normal. I never ever thought about girls in a normal way sexually like what I assumed all the other guys did. The idea of sex to me at that age was a mystery, something I wanted to avoid for as long as possible, something that made me anxious, something I had to pretend to understand and like in front of the other guys or even girls. As I quickly discovered everyone else seemed to be obsessed with it. Alas only my fetishes have ever been able to illicit any sort of sexual response in me.

Other major factors that may exclude certain content are; basically any other fetish other than the 4 I have myself, particularly farting, shitting, urine etc… Even 1 fart in a video ruins the entire video instantly. High pitched screaming/hysterical laughter, a male in the video at any point whether they burp or say anything or not. If the girl is doing anything overtly sexual like masturbating. All of these things majorly turn me off.

This is where it starts to get a bit more complex for me. I can easily rank my fetishes from most intense to least intense, each step downwards the desire and impact it has on me is probably only a 10th of the fetish above it. So it goes Burping->Hiccups->Boobs->Feet. They have always been in this order and at about this intensity. Each fetish is also very specific about what is a turn on and what isn’t. The older I have become, the more I have become in tune with my fetishes, what at first seemed like trial an error when I was younger and just listening to and watching anything fetish related I could find, over the years has become a much more specific desire, harder to find, but much more rewarding.

Now I say I have 4 fetishes, but I don’t know if the lesser 3 can actually be counted as fetishes in their own right because neither one of them can bring me to climax alone, but in combination they can increase the intensity of my burping fetish to a level that burping alone would never be able to accomplish. So you could say, my ultimate fantasy would be a 10/10 girl, with her boobs out, showing her bare feet, hiccupping and burping, the ultimate climax being one or more natural hiccup burps, and I don’t mean a hiccup and then a burp, I mean a hiccup that forces up a burp either on purpose or accidentally.

They can also be combined in any way, as long as burping is always included. E.g burping and feet together is better than burping alone, but it’s not as good as boobs and burping or hiccups and burping. But the lesser 3 combined, but without any burping, has an almost completely insignificant effect, even if all other criteria are perfectly met.

So my fetishes seem to be somehow intrinsically linked. Hiccups and burps I can easily understand the connection, they often come together and can cause each other. But feet and boobs I have no idea really, when I watch a girl in bare feet burping I find it most intense when they wriggle their toes or just play with their feet in some way as they burp, the more in sync with the burp it is, the more intense I find it. The same can be said about when a girl squeezes or plays with her boobs as she burps.

Also, just to clarify, I have nothing against other fetishes than my own. I just know what is good for me and what isn’t. When I say something turns me off or is disgusting I mean no offense and I don’t mean people who are into it are disgusting, or that its objectively disgusting in anyway. I just find it gives me that grossed out kind of feeling, there isn’t much other way I can describe it other than that. Burps are disgusting to a lot of people after all, and I’m not offended by that.

TL:DR: I don’t care if you read it or not, my spelling and grammar isn’t perfect. I know I over explain things, I can’t help it. lol


Yeah I have multiple fetishes. I would say I have three main ones, burping would be a 2nd. I think you know from a different thread but my main fetish is pec bouncing and I’ve had it for quite a while. Burping honestly I only picked up about 4yrs now and it seems to me that most of the people on this forum burping has stemmed from childhood which I find interesting. I wouldn’t say I’m attracted to vagina /penis, my fetishes are the only thing that gets me off

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Im primarily into burping mostly but I find guys with bellies hot as well which leads me to watching a lot of gainer videos. Honestly seeing a bigger guy with a gut burp like a monster with his stomach hanging out will always turn me on lol. I’m also into guys farting as well, not nearly as much as burping but if a guy farts and burps really well thats a bonus for me.


I’m mainly into burping, I’m really attracted to guys that tend to have a large appetite and can really let one rip after eating and drinking.


I only consider burping and boobs as a real fetish for myself (anything else needs to be too specific connected to these two). And yes, if they’re combined, it intesifies the experience a lot.

I can relate to your point of view on regular porn. But for me it’s at leat not an instant turn off. I’m not turned on by it and it does disturb the feeling a little bit, but I can keep on going.


Wow man, after reading your post I can align so much with you. I find normal porn difficult because I am also not into vaginas. I like boobs and feet and burping is the biggest one, but I took need to have everything to intensify it. Another fetish for me that goes hand in hand with my burp fetish is bloated bellies. If I see a slim girl (who also looks really cute or beautiful) bloats there belly and then proceeds to burp from it, it’s the ultimate turn on for me! For the most part, my fetishes and turn offs align really close to yours so I am glad I am not the only one to feel the same way!


Along with men burping, I also have a fetish of hearing a man’s stomach growl. The slimmer or fitter the man is the better. It’s just knowing that a hot man can get hungry, causing them to eat a lot of food, which then leads to bloating and burping.


Yeah I don’t like seeing a guys dick either. Its honestly never appealed to me in the slightest. I can be attracted to a guys face and body but penises are just gross to look at. Anything above the waist is fine. I’ll even like to look at a guys ass sometimes but never his genitals.

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Awesome, thanks for all the replies guys!

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Def interested in women who purposefully bloat or stuff until they get a huge belly and belch loudly


Uh kinda goes with burping I guess but a girl throating/being able to open up her throat and and also cum swallowing

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I’m into girls farting and I would say I enjoy the relief aspect of both but the burping and farting aren’t really linked in my mind. Like I’ll think of some girls more as burpers and some more as girls who fart more

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Haven’t really made it a secret on here, but I am definitely into stuffing/bloating/big eaters. Don’t even know where it would have come from, but even seeing a woman with a massive appetite alone turns me on. Maybe it’s just I can picture their belly getting bigger and bigger as they eat.


I weirdly discovered a few years ago that I kinda get turned on hearing the sound of women puking. I think it just goes deeper into my thing for stomachs and bodily noises. I was watching a 2 Broke Girls scene where Kat Dennings character can be heard puking in a restaurant through a bathroom door and noticed I was getting aroused


burping actually isn’t even my “main” fetish bc i think it’s connected to my fetish for stomach/digestive system in general. i like stomach noises the most, and burps are a very close second. then stuffing, and vore just a little bit. i also am into rape fantasies which i don’t think is linked to any of those things but maybe? i just really like to be dominated


I’m really into belly stuffing and noises and navels and just really a lot of general pretty vanilla Alvinolagnia (fancy word for belly fetish haha), like a few others on here that some might of noticed, I love slightly chubbier chicks too, any girl out there that loves to eat is pretty hot in my book. I’m a little bit into giantess stuff, I’ve always had a thing for taller women too, preferably around the height of 5’7-6’0 would be honestly perfect to me.

I’ve never really been into straight up porn either, I like tits and ass and thighs and etc like any other straight guy out there, but just watching people fuck never really did anything for me besides kinda gross me out. So I’ve never really used PH or anything like that, the advertisements you’d see everywhere would be a turn off to me. I always pretty much resorted to Youtube and the like because you’d see a lot of good content there anyways.

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Kinda hard to explain but I think I have a thing for “hidden talents.” Not necessarily like finding out someone is a good singer, but dumb party tricks you can do with your body. Obviously burping is the big one, but stuff like being able to do armpit farts, flipping your eyelids inside out, rolling your belly, stuff like that. Seeing someone good at this stuff whether they’re proud of it or might keep it quiet otherwise is hot to me for some reason.


I’m really big into feet. I wouldn’t say they’re directly related, but I’ve intertwined them before. As I’m sure you know if you’ve read my stories.

There’s just something that really gets me going about a girl kicking her feet up and burping super loud shamelessly. Even better if she were to make me rub her feet while she was doing it. I had something like this happen when I was younger, and I think that kind of shaped wanting to mix them now that I’m older.


I have a belly/stuffing/bloat fetish alongside burping and for me they go hand in hand. I actually don’t like burping if there isn’t a belly component to what I’m reading or watching. My ideal is watching someone get a big full round belly and burp deeply while talking about how full they feel.


My primary turnon will always guys and sometimes girls that can swallow or inhale air and produces various burps anytime they want all day long. This has nothing to do with their physical appearance. Fat or thin, short or tall, etc.

But my other secondary turnoff is bodybuilding poses, particularly the abdominal vacuum trick where the abs are sucked back into their spine and into their ribcage. Ironically, people that use the inhale bethod to recharge with air for each burp, suck in their stomachs tp make the air rush into their esophagus.