Does you burping in public/ around other people turn you on?

I like burping in public , and like it when others are disgusted , it turns me on ? Is this wrong ??, am I committing a crime by doing this . sometimes I like to release big burps whilst playing video games with other people , just so they can hear me burp , anyone else on a similar page as me …or…just me ?


It’s perfectly fine to make exhibitionism part of your fetish. However, you should respect the fact that some people find belching as offensive as regurgitation! You must pick your audience with caution and establish careful boundaries.


I know it’s rude, but I love it when guys burp in public without caring about manners :sweat_smile: it’s the confidence for me.


I want to experience a spontaneous burp attack from Ruttovibe and Ruttarello and maybe get a selfie with them while they are burping. Wouldn’t that be hot???

I agree! There is something super empowering about it, the stares feed my ego! :smiling_imp:
I just posted two on my tik tok the last couple days that are pretty epic!!!


I am realizing that it does in fact turn me on but only when others acknowledge my burps in some way. I don’t care to burp in crowded public places on purpose though, but if it does happen, I usually laugh depending on the context. Mostly, I prefer burping in small groups or with one other person. I excuse myself though because I have manners. Hahaha.

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I get disappointed when no one acknowledges a big burp of mine. They can ignore the duds.

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I burped all day today when walking around the city and my friend said absolutely nothing. I was trying to hold back a little but they were pretty loud. Not sure what it was that made me burp so much today but it was pretty nice anyway.