Ever done the sprite and banana challenge?

I did it one time. My stomach felt so full and bubbly after, that I had to stand up straight and rub it. I was going to see how much I could hold in burps, but all I wanted to do was to burp because the pressure became painful and I thought I was going to be sick.
Then my chest became full of gas and little burps kept coming out for hours after that, they were audible but not as big as I thought they would be. I was too bloated and gassy to do big burps, I just let them come out naturally to avoid being sick.
The burps were very banana-ry, and were quite gross sounding, like “broop”.
In bed that night my stomach was making all sorts of loud gurgling noises and the burps were still coming, although I had to keep sitting up to burp as they wouldn’t come up when I was laying down. But they started getting bigger and less gross by then.

I don’t think I’ll ever do that challenge again. I felt like I was going to explode. Just couldn’t stop belching.

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Pretty easy icl

Yeah, it wasnt too bad

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I havent but i still think it would be interesting to try once in my life

But its easy. You just quickly stuff 2 or 3 bananas at the same time, then just non stop chug a liter of sprite. Literally not even a challenge

And did it make you burp a lot?

ive done this a few times with a few different girls, it’s the perfect challenge to get them to release lots of burps around you, thank god the trend blew up

No throwing up for me, just a lot of burping. I thought I was going to throw up a few times but it was just a big burp. I just couldn’t stop burping.