"Farting" or other fetishes topics

In the original Forums there were specific threads for Male and Female Farting. I wonder if it would be allowed to create Topics for those and, if so, where could we create them?
In the Male or Female categories, or in the Uncategorized one? Or somewhere else?


Due to a clear relation between the burp fetish and the fart fetish, I think this topic deserves special consideration. Even though not all of us may have both fetishes, the fact that a considerable proportion of us do warrants it being given a distinct place on the forum. I believe that sections for it should go either in Male and Female categories (as suggested above), or that it should have a separate category on the site. Previously, it had been kept in the Other Fetishes portion, but I always felt that was too general an area for it, especially seeing as the section soon became overran with topics relating to the fart fetish.

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I totally agree with what you’re saying, @Shadow, and I also think it should have its own area here. But since the main focus of the forums is the burping fetish, I didn’t want to deviate from its purpose.

@Umbris If possible, could you give me some guidance on this, as one of the admins? :slight_smile:

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Have you tried other websites, such as this one?

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Thanks for the Feedback! I checked that website out, but it’s not really a forums per se, it’s more of a place for people to meet up. And it feels like there’s no space for Male Farting.
Well, since I don’t want to intervene in the mechanics of the forums, I’ll be on the lookout for a place like this where I can share them. Thanks a lot! ^^

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I have a better Idea!
why don’t you open a Burp section in the fart fetish forums instead?

I’m sorry… Maybe I didn’t understand what you meant. Could you rephrase that? D:

I have messaged Astra about the way they conducted themselves and I’ve cleaned up the topic. Let’s keep it clean here. :relaxed:


Hey, I know I’m a bit late to this topic but I thought I’d weigh in here since I just found the new site. I’d definitely be interested in continuing to have a farts section as several people seem to share the two fetishes (and I wouldn’t know where else to go to post my stories related to that). That said, I do think it should be in a separate category like the other fetishes one from the old forum. I know I would appreciate the option of having it, and I’m sure several others feel the same.


We thinks there should be a subforum called “other fetishes”, but NOT a subforum devoted specifically to farts, precious. We knows that other people here have other fetishes (so do we), but we doesn’t think any one of those fetishes deserve their own subforum, and we don’t wants any of those other fetishes encroaching on the main site, no–especially videos with nasty horrible fartses in them! Smeagol hates that!


It blows my mind that we have a Gollum novelty account here… And not only that, but I’ve never seen its counterpart on the old forums.

Yes, Other Fetishes might be the way to go. That said, I was really hoping to keep this site burp-only. The problem with allowing posts of other types is they will show up in everyone’s Latest and Unread feeds. So because a minority on this site wants somewhere to post, everyone here who wants to browse what they haven’t read will have to read posts about farts/anything else too. See the problem?

One possible counterargument: “people who don’t like male burps already have to see male posts in those feeds”.
True, but hosting other fetishes is only going to add to that (adding more noise to the signal).

Anyway, let’s hope to reach a decision by October.

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We was someone else on the old forums. We had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of posts, precious! But we gots bored of being someone else, so now we’re Gollum! :smiley:

Uh huh. Well I know what your old account is but I won’t disclose it here. :wink:

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So that actually brings up something I was trying to find a place to talk about. How much control do you have over the format of the site? Specifically, the latest/unread feeds. One of the things I really liked about the format of the old site with it’s categories was that you could see the most recent contributions of the categories that were interesting to you by seeing how they were organized or by selecting them as ones to get updates about.

It kinda bothered me that in this one you get a feed detailing every new comment made throughout the site. Also I tend to mass reply to several posts in a row when I visit from time to time and it makes me nervous to see my name 8 times in a row on the recent feed but I digress.

The issue of including an other fetishes category might go away if you only received latest activity from the categories you selected. Again, not sure if its possible, but just a thought on how it might be handled.


Just replied to your other longer post about this idea and more.

The category has been created. Go wild!


Woaaaaaah, thank you so so much!!! I can’t thank you enough for that!! :3