Favorite Words to Describe a Belch

Phantom and I both use the word “rude” to describe the ideal on command belching performance. It’s all about ramming just the right amount of air down the throat and releasing a burp with just the most perfect length/tone/loudness that makes the fetish factor work.


I’m just listing what I heard from these posts that I found to be hot af

1.strained (it’s so specific, when I read this I could immediately could identify what a strained burp sounds like, which is the key in burp descriptions)
2.Meaty/beafy (same thing)
3. Chunky (same thing)
4. low pitched
5. PRIMAL! That’s good
6. Well fed. That’s hot

To add:

  1. unapologetic
  2. repressed

I’ve been scouring various dictionaries to find more adjectives that can help describe different aspects of a belch, and I’ve decided to list them in certain categories. Hopefully, someone gets some use out of it.


  1. abhorrent
  2. abominable
  3. awful
  4. bad
  5. baneful
  6. base
  7. beastly
  8. begrimed
  9. black
  10. blackened
  11. cloying
  12. contaminated
  13. corrupt
  14. crappy
  15. creepy
  16. cruddy
  17. crummy
  18. deadly
  19. decayed
  20. decomposed
  21. despicable
  22. destroying
  23. destructive
  24. detestable
  25. detrimental
  26. disgraceful
  27. disheveled
  28. dishonorable
  29. distasteful
  30. egregious
  31. fatal
  32. fecal
  33. feculent
  34. fetid
  35. filthy
  36. foul
  37. frightful
  38. frowzy
  39. funky
  40. fusty
  41. gamy
  42. ghastly
  43. grimy
  44. grody
  45. gross
  46. grubby
  47. gruesome
  48. grungy
  49. harmful
  50. hateful
  51. heinous
  52. hideous
  53. high
  54. horrid
  55. horrific
  56. hurtful
  57. icky
  58. impure
  59. infamous
  60. infective
  61. infested
  62. iniquitous
  63. injurious
  64. loathsome
  65. lousy
  66. macabre
  67. malign
  68. malignant
  69. malodorous
  70. mephitic
  71. miry
  72. mischievous
  73. monstrous
  74. mucky
  75. muddy
  76. musty
  77. nasty
  78. nauseating
  79. nefarious
  80. nerdy
  81. nocent
  82. nocuous
  83. noisome
  84. notorious
  85. noxious
  86. objectionable
  87. obnoxious
  88. obscene
  89. odious
  90. off
  91. offensive
  92. outrageous
  93. pernicious
  94. pestilent
  95. pestilential
  96. pigpen
  97. poison
  98. poisonous
  99. polluted
  100. prejudicial
  101. prejudicious
  102. putrid
  103. rancid
  104. rank
  105. raunchy
  106. reeking
  107. repellent
  108. repugnant
  109. repulsive
  110. revolting
  111. rotten
  112. ruining
  113. ruinous
  114. satiating
  115. scandalous
  116. scummy
  117. scuzzy
  118. septic
  119. shameful
  120. shameless
  121. shocking
  122. sickening
  123. skanky
  124. sleazeball
  125. sleazy
  126. slimy
  127. slipshod
  128. sloppy
  129. slovenly
  130. smelly
  131. smoky
  132. soiled
  133. soily
  134. sooty
  135. squalid
  136. stale
  137. stenchy
  138. stinking
  139. stinky
  140. strong
  141. sullied
  142. surfeiting
  143. tainted
  144. toxic
  145. toxicant
  146. unclean
  147. uncleanly
  148. unhealthy
  149. unkempt
  150. unwashed
  151. unwholesome
  152. venomous
  153. verminous
  154. vicious
  155. vile
  156. vulgar
  157. wicked
  158. yecchy
  159. yucky


  1. accordant
  2. acute
  3. agitated
  4. argute
  5. at full volume
  6. at the boiling point
  7. big
  8. blaring
  9. blasting
  10. blatant
  11. blustering
  12. blusterous
  13. boisterous
  14. booming
  15. bouncy
  16. brash
  17. brawling
  18. buoyant
  19. bursting
  20. cacophonous
  21. charged
  22. chattering
  23. chipper
  24. chirpy
  25. clamorous
  26. clanging
  27. clangorous
  28. clattery
  29. concordant
  30. consequential
  31. consonant
  32. convulsive
  33. crashing
  34. crying
  35. deafening
  36. deep
  37. detonating
  38. detonative
  39. discordant
  40. disorderly
  41. dulcet
  42. ear-piercing
  43. ear-popping
  44. ear-splitting
  45. earsplitting
  46. ebullient
  47. effervescent
  48. effusive
  49. elated
  50. emphatic
  51. euphonious
  52. excited
  53. exhilarated
  54. exuberant
  55. fiery
  56. forceful
  57. forte
  58. frenzied
  59. frothy
  60. full
  61. full-mouthed
  62. fulminant
  63. fulminating
  64. gushing
  65. harmonizing
  66. harsh
  67. hazardous
  68. heavy
  69. high
  70. high-sounding
  71. high-spirited
  72. impetuous
  73. in chorus
  74. in concert
  75. in harmony
  76. in high spirits
  77. in tune
  78. in unison
  79. intense
  80. irrepressible
  81. jumping
  82. loud
  83. loud-voiced
  84. loudmouth
  85. loudmouthed
  86. lusty
  87. mellifluous
  88. melodic
  89. melodious
  90. metallic
  91. meteoric
  92. musical
  93. noisy
  94. obstreperous
  95. obtrusive
  96. overwrought
  97. pealing
  98. penetrating
  99. perilous
  100. piercing
  101. piping
  102. powerful
  103. rackety
  104. raging
  105. raising Cain
  106. raising the roof
  107. rambunctious
  108. rampant
  109. raspy
  110. raucous
  111. resonant
  112. resounding
  113. rhythmical
  114. ringing
  115. riotous
  116. roaring
  117. rollicking
  118. rowdy
  119. screaming
  120. screeching
  121. scurrilous
  122. sharp
  123. sonorous
  124. stentorian
  125. stormy
  126. strepitous
  127. strident
  128. strong
  129. sweet-sounding
  130. symphonic
  131. symphonious
  132. tense
  133. thin
  134. thundering
  135. thunderous
  136. touchy
  137. treble
  138. tumultous/tumultuous
  139. tumultuous
  140. tuneful
  141. turbulent
  142. turned up
  143. ugly
  144. uncontrollable
  145. unrestrained
  146. unruly
  147. unstable
  148. uproarious
  149. vehement
  150. violent
  151. vivacious
  152. vociferant
  153. vociferous
  154. vulgar
  155. wakes the dead
  156. wild
  157. zestful
  158. zippy


  1. accent
  2. emphasis
  3. force
  4. frequency
  5. harmonic
  6. inflection
  7. intonation
  8. modulation
  9. rate
  10. resonance
  11. sound
  12. strength
  13. stress
  14. timbre
  15. tonality

Thank you for sharing the extended list! There were some things on there I’ve definitely never used before, I’m particularly looking forward to integrating obstreperous, ebullient and stentorian into opportunities as they arise. Also I’d never been exposed to the term Iniquitous before, but I feel like in the current state of the world I’m observing new iniquitous things every day. ~X,.,.X~

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Sounds like you just copied the thesaurus instead of actually checking if the words made sense in context.
Examples: black, fecal?, macabre?, unwashed, forte (synonym for strength in a different sense).

These are just some examples from the many words that didn’t make much sense. However, there were a lot of good ones


I did do that. My mistake.

I don’t think that’s necessarily a mistake, just find what parts of it work well for you. Like in the example of “unwashed” taking that general feeling and implementing a similar concept like “vile” or “unclean” can still be a satisfying path if it meets your needs. I personally only found some percent of those applicable to how I like to write belches, but if that’s a flavor palette that means something to you rock it!

So i’m bumping this thread. I think it woud be awesome if we all post a burp that we feel describes the words here well. I will do one a little later.

Nasty deep and loud :drooling_face:

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“Yummy” or “delicious”, especially when they’re describing someone else’s burp


good idea

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Any video examples of a “lazy” one?

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It’s weird how originally this was ‘favourite’ words to describe burps and it just became ‘look at me, watch as I name as many adjectives as I can’ :rofl:

Musical terms; Forte, staccato, vibrato, crescendo etc.

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I completely agree with you here! :slight_smile:

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A few I use, sorry if some have already been added…there are a lot now!..

throat rattling


Foghorn lol


Cum summoning
Orgasm inducing
Eye glazing
Tongue lulling
Tooth rattling
Uvula jostling
Lip rippling
Nose burning
Dick hardening

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