Feeling bad when people burp in public

Does anyone else feel weird when someone’s burping a lot around you? I feel kinda guilty for being turned on by it while the person probably has no idea. I guess other examples of people doing random things that you think are attractive without them knowing isn’t strange but I can’t shake it. I also typically try not to let on that I think it’s attractive


I don’t feel bad but I usually don’t encourage them to burp more or comment much on it. My coworker randomly told me she used to burp loudly a lot a win burp contests all the time, out of the blue. I didn’t ask her to burp. Half of me was VERY curious about hearing her burp (more than half :sob:) but I didn’t want to make her unknowingly do that for me. Other people feel differently too and that’s fine as well. I like to let things happen organically.


Honestly I feel this is the healthiest way to go about it, there is no reason to feel bad about just hearing it when it happens organically around you but encouraging someone to unknowingly do something you think is hot feels kinda icky.


Absolutely. Not that it happens a lot but when it does it’s not something I find enjoyable at all. Like, there’s obviously the consent stuff with essentially “profiting” off of someone’s lack of knowledge of your fetishism which feels icky, like being a voyeur, but it’s also like, I don’t want to be aroused in public. Especially back when I could more easily get erect involuntarily, it was not only unpleasant to risk getting hard in public but also for it to potential reveal the fetish. But it’s weird because this is like the main thing I’m sexually into and I only actively engage with it virtually.


I hope that last part can change for you. I find it very difficult to engage with it in real life. My ex would burp occasionally but it was never frequent enough to be the sole driver of arousal. It’s kinda funny though, I used to be really shy about telling people (I told someone in high school and they spilled the beans to everyone), but now when I mention it to people 90% of the time they don’t think it’s weird at all. I hope everyone on this forum can eventually find a partner who is ok with it and potentially willing to participate!


Yeah, I’ve actually been thinking about hiring a domme to explore it in-person with. I’ve never told anyone that knows me, though I do reference that I have a fetish when relvant to conversation but don’t specify what it is. I haven’t been in a real romantic relationship yet, but I know when I am, I’m going to have to finally cross that line and reveal it to someone. And for now, it’s weird because I’d be asking something of someone that I’m not sure how or if I’d even enjoy in an in-person setting.

Lol the question of actually enjoying it in person is interesting. Personally I found the things I already thought were attractive enjoyable but I noticed things I didn’t like. The big one for me is the smell lol, I think some people enjoy it but personally I couldn’t have someone burping directly in my face cus that shits funky! There’s also other minor parts like it’s not as frequent as is in a compilation. But frankly that goes for anything porn related, it gets over exaggerated on the Internet and if you’re not careful can make the real life version boring by comparison.

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