Fetish / Fart comments (rant)

Hi, I feel like a dick for making a whole new post about this but I’m just a bit tired of people commenting on ppl’s post creeping them out like is it really that hard to fight the urge to not comment weird shit asking people to fart / burp idk or giving suggestions like “you should post more fart videos.” Especially if your username involves farting Because 9 times out of 10 it comes off as weird and 9 times out of 10 these people figure out what you’re doing even if you’re trying to be nice about it. There’s other ways to motive, most people without this fetish aren’t telling people to fart more. It’s not about how nice you ask like don’t get me wrong a comment here and there might be ok but when multiple account comment or u try get them to go into more detail bout a fart it’s just weird and ruins it for everyone even saying “u should make a fart compilation” just comment some laughing faces or something like just something simple and less direct will be enough to possibly encourage more like if they see people find it funny they might post more instead of telling people to do fart pranks. But a lot of this comes down to reading the room. The amount of videos I see where I can tell all the fart fetish people are gunna go crazy over then people have to ruin it by commenting weird shit. But again like I said read the room and get a gauge of character some people dont catch on straight away but when multiple accounts with “fart” in their username comment or after u get a reply u start asking more questions about the fart like “what did u eat”. Also I know it happens a lot less now as people have already raised this issue countless times so your probably thinking there’s nothing you can say with people getting weirded out but I just say try to approach it less like a conversation just state something about the humour because clearly some people can’t work out that their comments are weird why do u think 99% of the time these people clock on them stop. Might get hate but I’m just unloading it’s annoying


Def agree. It really is annoying but like others have said there’s not really a way to stop it :confused: I wish there was bit creeps are gonna creep, and really the only way of slightly preventing it is by either not sharing your saved videos or sharing but removing names. It’s a sad situation and I feel horrible for anyone who gets harassed for burps/farts. I think those creeps either get off on it or just don’t know how to talk to people.

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Dude, I absolutely agree, this is the most annoying shit and it makes the community look bad. It makes dating an issue too, because so many of these creeps exist, now revealing your fetish to your significant other is even more mortifying bc they will not take you seriously and associate you with the creeps. I think we should try to collectively bury those comments so that people are less likely to see them and instead see positive comments that aren’t creepy.

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I agree, 100%. But unfortunately, creepers gon’ creep, and there’s not much any of us can do about it. It is a long standing issue within the fetish community.

yeahhh even before i started to join these forums and diff places and shit i’ve always gotten tight because even at a young age it was clear that people were being so creepy towards these guys and it was ruining it for everyone. especially on small cc’s pages that have like 4 comments so it’s clear they’re going to read each one

See this the response I get just for telling someone to stop with the comments can’t even recognise it as being weird / sus :man_facepalming:t3:

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