are you into guys who burp
or girl burping?
also I wanted to ask you
from your perspective, which burping girls you like or thinking is attractive on YouTube
are you into guys who burp
or girl burping?
also I wanted to ask you
from your perspective, which burping girls you like or thinking is attractive on YouTube
Guys only. I don’t watch any female burpers.
Okay well then I’d like to burp for you
Nah just kidding
I’m into both
I only like men. But I can get off to belches from a female if I close my eyes and imagine it’s a man
I only seek out content from women. My fetish started that way - hearing women burp, not men. Sometimes I think it can be hot when my boyfriend burps, though.
I enjoy both but I usually prefer male content
I enjoy both, but I prefer women. I’ll watch a video of a guy burping, but I tend to pretend it’s just a masc female.
I prefer women and pretty much only seek out that content online. IRL any gender is cool. I’m bi, for what it’s worth.
I enjoy both! It just depends on how I’m feeling and the type/sound of burp that I’m looking for in the moment
I’m mainly into women burping but I told my husband that I was turned on by burping and he did when we were having sex and I was really turned on by. My climax was so intense. But I usually just watch women. I found something so arousing when women just lets out huge belches.