Hey guys @blxcksxul666 content for sale

Hey guys! Just want to say can people please stop uploading my videos onto porn sites. Since joining the forum I have had countless videos popping up on pornsites and I dont feel comfortable being on these websites. Content I sell and provide for you guys is for your usage only. Thanks! X


Also have fresh content for sale. Also customs are available and I am taking requests!


Guys, i know it’s likely none of the regulars around here, but please be respectful. This girl is nice, understanding, and makes great content. Friendly reminder to not jeopardize her hard work and make things uncomfortable by uploading stuff on 3rd party sites. Sorry @Blacksoul there are sadly some bad seeds in the community. We appreciate you and what you do!


Thank you. This means alot! Truly! Everyone is so lovely. I just wanted to put a message out there just for future reference! Thank you again for the kind words. X