I know this has been asked and discussed before, but I haven’t seen it come up in quite some time so I’m going to start a new topic on it.
The title is pretty self explanatory. We all love to watch videos of girls we don’t know burping online, but for me it is a completely different feeling compared to when one of my friends burps right in front of me. While watching videos gets me horny quickly and efficiently, seeing a friend do it live is much more subtle sexually and much more intense mind/thought wise. I’m interested to hear about other peoples experiences with this.
It is even more intense and different when it is one of my friends who I have told about my fetish. Paradoxically they are very difficult feelings to analyze and really pin down though, despite their intensity. Initially there is a fairly strong sense of alertness mixed with anxiety as I try to gather my thoughts and focus on the situation, but without making myself look out of the ordinary in any way. Then time seems to slow and everything except the burp is completely lost to me, but my thoughts are running at 10x their normal speed and comprehension. It seems over the years I have become a master of focusing completely on it while also looking like I barely noticed it. Even though I dare not look away, I find that most of the time even if I am looking almost directly into their eyes as they do it, they are so focused on what they are doing and letting their burp out, that they don’t seem to pay attention to anything else, often looking away to the side, up or down, closing their eyes, or just starring into space seemingly right through anyone and anything in front of them.
By the end of the burp my thoughts quickly seem to regather themselves for any potential social interaction resulting from the situation. Usually by then I have been unable to fully contain myself and have a grin on my face which sometimes evolves into laughter, though I am always sure to gauge their reaction first to ensure I don’t make them feel awkward or embarrassed or anything negative. About 50% of the time they have little to no reaction to it themselves, maybe just saying a quick excuse me, sorry or some other sort of polite acknowledgement of what they just did before they (or someone else in the group) casually moves on with the conversation.
Other times their reactions can be completely random and unexpected, even seeming to go out of their way to make sure everyone knows all about it. Most often their comments are self-depreciating, pointing out the grossness, length, loudness, wetness etc. even before anyone else gets a chance to react or say anything about it. On very rare occassions they might also say something cheeky or that even seems prideful, such as how good it felt, how big it was, or even asking if anyone heard/saw it or what they thought of it.
Once I have gauged their reaction and the reaction of anyone else around us my feelings of anxiety start to return and I become very self aware, I always feel like I want to start blurting out how great it was or ask questions but I always keep my composure and think carefully about what I say next (if anything). What happens next and what I might say are completely dependent on how they reacted. But whatever I say, it is always something positive or encouraging, even if they are being self depreciating about it. What happens from there is largely dependent on who it is, how well they know me, if they know about my fetish, who else is around, almost impossible to predict and the most anxious and sometimes awkward part of the situation for me. It is like a battle going on in my body and mind, one side screaming “Say whatever you can to keep this topic and situation going!” and the other “Don’t say anything else about it or she is going to feel awkward and think I’m weird!”. It has resulted in a lot of very awesome, unexpected, and of course awkward conversations over the years. Many of which I have shared on here.
It has also resulted in a sort of conditioning over time for both me and them. What may have started out as awkward or something that another person shouldn’t be so “interested in”, especially a member of the opposite sex pretty quickly turned into something acceptable, expected, even encouraged. This has created friendships where they are 100% comfortable doing any sort of burps around me knowing I would never be grossed out or make them feel bad about it. Even for the ones who have no idea about the fetish there is a subtle sense of pride from them and an acceptance or ignorance of the fact I am amused by their burping more than anyone else, bar themselves. I get the sense that it is more of a comfort for them knowing a guy could like their burping so much, rather than find that weird and unusual like you would expect they would rather believe that it is the norm so they don’t feel so awkward about it around other people.
For the ones who I have told about my fetish, none of them have been weirded out by it or taken exception to it. All of them seemed very surprised as if they couldn’t actually believe it was a thing or that anyone could think that about their burping, the whole concept of it seems to blow their minds and they become more curios than anything. And though it always creates a new level of anxiety initially, that seems to quickly melt away and basically for all intents an purposes nothing really changes. They still burp just like they always did, their reactions are the same or even more open. And generally the topic is not brought up again in such an overt way by either of us. Sometimes I feel like they have taken the position of “If we just ignore it, it doesn’t exist”. Either way there is a level of acceptance that any burps they ever do in front of me and how they react is on them, they know I can’t ignore it and they always have the option of holding it in or leaving to do it somewhere I won’t see or hear it.
Anyway, I think I have written enough for now. I probably went a little off topic as usual, my bad. Please feel free to leave your own thoughts and/or experiences. I look forward to reading.
TL:DR: I don’t care, read it or don’t.