How many people here have no clue how to burp on command?

  • I can burp on command
  • I can’t burp on command at all, not even small ones
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I’d imagine that after watching so many videos, the vast majority would at least know how to do the small ones, but I’ve seen people say they can’t do it at all, so I was wondering how many people here were completely unable to do it.


I can really only burp on command by swallowing air. The inhaling method is very uncomfortable and less successful for me.

I have burped in the chat here if you’re curious what I can do. I’m very rusty though!


I cannot burp well at all. If I could burp, I have little doubt I could manage to do it on command. But I seem to be afflicted by R-CPD or something similar.


Yeahh I can’t do the inhale but I can swallow a lot or just enough to push out pretty loud ones non stop


I can burp on command in a weird way, I just can just breath in a specific way and I can let out some okay sounding burps, nothing big. its just weird in the method

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Learned how to swallow air at first. Took me a long time to learn how to inhale, but if there were resources like this forum available back then I could have learned to inhale much sooner I think.

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I was telling my friends that i cant burp on command and all of them do. They said its so ironic that im making burp content but cant burp on command lol


Really… I would’ve never known if u hadn’t said it here. I feel like teaching u now lol

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These are all natural burps. Not sure if i want to learn how. Wanna keep my content organic lol. Jk, people have tried to teach me in the past and i just dont get it


I get it. I remember my high school sweetheart didn’t know how to burp. She said she never burped in her life LOL One day when I went to her house to see her, she asked if I knew how and wanted me to teach her. She just couldn’t do it although I showed her in great detail. I don’t know if she couldn’t grasp the concept or if they just weren’t coming out

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If i could burp on command…id make so much more content lol but i cant lol

Organic burps from me only :frowning:


Have you ever experimented with both inhaling and gulping to create a burp? Some people can suck a lot of air at once, and then gulp several times to reach capacity.

Depends on the day

I have to say that seeing someone who didn’t know how to burp suddenly learn to do it on command (or even better, document the journey where they become a pro from scratch) is really crazy to me. It would be such a rare thing to behold, in fact, it never happened as new talents usually join when they already have the ability to burp. The closest example I can think of is that German girl from TikTok who drastically improved or April, who learned to do really long deep ones, but both already had the ability to an extent.

Seeing someone learning to burp and actually improving would make their burps so much more appealing just because we see their skill go from zero to greatness, especially if they eventually pull off impressive ones.

When you think about it, It’s basically an ace up the sleeve that the pro burpers can’t have.

This was just me sharing my thoughts on the matter in general, I’m obviously not saying you specifically should keep trying to learn, especially if you’ve already decided that you can’t. With that said, I think giving Phantom’s tutorial a chance never hurt anyone lol.


I’ll give it a go on my channel. Make a series out of it lol :revolving_hearts:


Yeah, I tend to mix it up. Just inhaling several times, just gulping several times, inhales then gulps, huge quick gulps…

It’s easy to take in a lot of air fast. I’ve been doing this so long, i don’t cramp any more. Hard part for me is belching it all out consistently with great tone, not airy, and without getting stuck.

I need to do more ab exercises I think to help with this and figure out how to adjust my mouth and throat properly.

I can let out some crazy loud long belches, just not consistently.

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I’ve always been super good at my internal muscle control, like I can open my esophagus and inhale to fill it completely with air and then use my diaphragm to deflate it either fast and aggressive for sharp loud ones, or control the release slowly and really drag it out. Sometimes the big ones end up in my stomach where I can sort of “collect” multiple and unleash like 3 massive burps worth of gas in one huge rip, but the majority of my on-command burps are shorter smaller ones but they are PLENTIFUL lol


THIS :point_up::point_up::point_up: this is where I’m at too


I much prefer natural burps but I really do wish I could hear what your burps sound like now. haha


There’s a little taste on my TikTok

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