How old were you when you realized you had a fart fetish?

I was 12/13, right when I hit puberty. Though I remember being fascinated by farts even younger than that, I didn’t know I had a fetish until puberty


It was a recognition that came about in puberty, around age 12. I recognized it as sympathetic with the burp fetish almost immediately and have always struggled to consider them as distinct fetishes. They seem quite intertwined to me…

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I was also 13, maybe 14. The fact that we all seemed to have been about the same age probably has to do with puberty. I started jerking off when I was 12 and was already into diaper stuff back then (lmao I’m sorry) so I guess it was a natural follow up to that

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I should add, in my case, that I recognized my fetishes in early puberty but I retroactively acknowledge that their roots dig into my childhood. I’ve had an awkward relationship with burping and farting since the 1st Grade. It’s something I’ve been considering writing more about: my experiences and speculations on the origin of the fetish.


I remember being 5 and finding farts and the banter around it made me feel really weird. I knew it was some kind of obsession around 10 years old and really grew in high school (I played football). It wasn’t until I was in college and in a fraternity that I realized I had a fetish. I wasn’t into the smell at first, and preferred being the farter but I sniff now too and love the smell.

I know exactly how I got the fetish and it was pretty innocent, but I won’t share it here because people get all bent out of shape about it.

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Bent out of shape about what? Sounds cryptic

Pretty sure I told all my life story with fetishes here in another thread. But simply put - 8 years old after playing Banjo-Kazooie.

Nabnut the Squirrel changed my brain chemistry. When you visited him (I assumed he was a she and even after learning he was a he I pretended otherwise as a kid) in the autumn he gorged on nuts to prepare for hibernation and got all bloated and gassy.


That’s hilarious.

I’d say the situation that gave me this fetish was after a male classmate, who I had literally no attraction to whatsoever (honestly the opposite) admitted to a smelly fart in 7th grade and mentioned he had “eaten beans” the day before while laughing out of shame about it. He was also quite emotional and impulsive, generally nice but would get into fights and brawls and stuff

Ever since then, I’ve had a fetish for women who display those qualities, who get into physical fights and fart. Preferably both. But only if they’re decently physically attractive. It’s like my brain had a sexual stroke or something. I’m completely sexually uninterested in men btw

And that’s how it will stay.

Definitely adding more mysticism around it by talking about it like this but you do you I suppose

I was 10 when i realized it

I was about 14/15 when the app vine came out and stumbled across a treasure trove of straight guys farting. At that moment my life was changed forever you can say :sweat_smile:.

I think very young, like under 10 lmfao. I didn’t realize it was actually a thing though until middle school.