Hi guys!
I am new to the forum and I am delighted to be able to read people with the same fetish as me!
I am a 23 year old girl, thin, who loves to burp when the deepest better and also fill me up until I feel bloated (this is not very difficult since I have a tiny stomach), I think this is kind of stuffing thing but without the ‘‘getting fat’’ part.
Since I can remember I have this fetish and I masturbate a lot with it. I also like to see other people (I don’t care about the gender but I like them more with a belly) and I have favorite videos/actors about this.
The fact is that for almost two years I have had a boyfriend and I am not entirely satisfied with what we do in bed. I feel like I am missing this to come with him and I don’t know how to tell him or what to do…
Sometimes burps escape me in front of him and he is amazed (not in a good way) and I feel ashamed. Sometimes also happens to him and I get excited…
I have asked a psychologist and he told me that if I think about this a lot, I should make it come true sometime with someone like me, but I have never met anyone and I’m very in love right now
Anyone ever happened something similar?
P.d: Sorry if I said something wrong, english is not my first language.
I have to agree with your psychologist. The fact is that if you really want that experience, and since you are here I am sure that you do, you should fulfill it with someone. A lot of guys like when a girl burps, maybe even as much as you do. Also you are only 23, there is loads of time for that, which I know you are probably tired of hearing.
Telling him is a possibility, a good sign is usually if you are already relaxed about it around each other. If you are not relaxed, start burping far more often even if he says it annoys him and see what happens. In the end it is also about what you want, and if you want to burp you should burp goddammit! And he needs to accept it. There.
how do you react when he burps? there are definitely ways to encourage more natural ones, or are you wanting them to happen in a sexual context?
here’s a post I made in a similar thread (but for gfs, not bfs)
I’ve never had the experience of telling someone that far in to a relationship, as for a while now I’ve made a point of telling people early on. I find the best time is when you’re talking about sex in general, but not everyone has those discussions, especially after 2 years together.
It’s unfortunate that you feel ashamed burping in front of your boyfriend, that obviously can’t feel good.
I think that telling him is something you should do, even though it is hard, especially if you’re not satisfied with your relationship in the bedroom. One way to start can be to ask if there are any odd things that he finds sexy; it will be easier if you can both share.
I have a lot of experience with telling people I’ve dated but every person and every relationship is different so what works for me may not work for someone else. I hope that it works out for the best for you!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that you share your thoughts
I also believe that it is best to be honest and talk about it as soon as possible but even if he reacted well, I don’t think it’s easy to do this with a person who doesn’t share it, I think it will be a bit uncomfortable
I haven’t been with someone with a fetish either, but I’ve been with girls that love to burp and find it fun. They enjoyed burping around me even more once they learned it made them more attractive in my eyes.
I feel like I’m gonna be the negative guy here and say that if he doesn’t like it when you do it, it may not land like you hope. I feel like in the interest of you loving this fellow, you should absolutely tell him. I just don’t know if it will go over as well as you hope.
I also think it’s worth at least exploring. I feel like the vast majority of us don’t actually have anyone we know who also has this fetish, but being here is a good step in hopefully finding some more like minded people!
I’ve had a girl I dated indulge me after we broke up because I told her about my fetish. So there’s hope for sure!