
What would you lot do if tomorrow you woke up and didn’t have the fetish?

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I’m curious to know the answer to this too. Some people would definitely have more money to spend


I definitely think my dating life (or lack thereof) would improve


I wouldn’t have believed I’d say this a year or two back, but honestly, now, I’d miss it. It’s a fun part of my sexuality that has led to some really fun encounters with super hot people


It may give me more time to focus on other things but ultimately I would miss it. There’s something particular in the intensity that is difficult to find elsewhere. A blessing and a curse.


I would enjoy being able to have a more normal sex life (although mine is currently dry so I guess whatever). But I would miss getting secret pleasure from commonplace occurrences. Yeah, I guess it is a blessing and a curse.


Unfortunately, I’d become pretty vanilla if this fetish went away (if I didn’t have this fetish then anything semi-related to it like bloating/eating etc would do nothing for me either). And it’s likely I also would no longer have the farting fetish. So I’d just be kind of… a very normal and vanilla gay male because I don’t have any other wild fetishes that are not related, and the main thing I crave is intimacy and someone relatively attractive in my life. :grinning: NGL don’t want that, I like a little spice in my life.

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I feel like the fetish goes well with some BDSM stuff, or at least that was the case for me. The desire to stuff someone or feed them (especially forcefully) tends to indicate a desire for dominance and a little sadism. @weird4me (I could have sworn I hit reply, oh well)