I’m selling my burping video :)

Hey everyone I am new here. I am a 19 year old female. I will sell my burps and I can make custom videos to a reasonable extent. My Instagram handle is @crun_chycereal
Feel free to hit up my Instagram DM’s
Venmo is Crunchy-Cereal


Just bought some videos and talked about burps with her. She is very friendly and easy to talk to and has some pretty good burps.

Hey everyone! I am having a lil Black Friday sale. 10 min of burping for $40! Message me on instagram for questions or to buy! I’m willing to adjust prices as well just lmk!
Instagram- @Crun_chycereal
Happy holidays :purple_heart:


Do you have samples of your content anywhere by chance?


You can dm me on instagrams I can send you some!

Can you upload a video with an example of your burps?


Hi all! Just wanted to come on here and say thank you for all the support everyone has been showing me on my Instagram @crun_chycereal
I am willing to negotiate prices and such just message me on Instagram and I can send samples there as well!


Keep your advertisements in this thread please

Hi all! Feel free to check me out on instagram:) @crun_chycereal.
I will burp for cheap:)

I can’t watch the video :frowning: I already txt u in insta :slight_smile:

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