Hey y’all I’ve been a long time lurker coming out of their shell and trying to be more active in the community. Basically I’m seeking relationship advice with my situation. So I’ve been with my gf for over 2 years and i told her about the fetish about a year ago and she’s been cool with it. Recently however, she’s been asking me if I’d still be attracted to her if she didn’t burp. The thing is no matter how much reassurance i give her she still seems to feel unconfident about herself.I truly do love her but i never had any experience with this. It’s starting to make me regret telling her about the fetish. Any advice y’all?
I say do little things to show her how much you love her. Telling her might keep her with doubts… but when you do things to she her that you love her, there could be no denying. Actions speak ALOT LOUDER than words
Definiteley agree on this one, that how I approached my situation bit by bit. You still have to understand it is not as common as some other fetishes like feet for example. So I believe it needs more time getting used to when being a girl, even if she is accepting.
Just realized how late I am to this post. They are probably married with three kids by now
Lolllll I just noticed it too, I thought it was new. We uh… the council was delayed! Wait, um- we never arrive late or early, but precisely when we’re meant to. That’s it.
I know we realized this is a late reply but I’m still giving my two cents not just for OP but for anyone else who might be in this situation.
It might seem like a weird workaround but this worked for me. commission exaggerated fetish artwork of her burping. this shows that even if in some hypothetical way she couldn’t burp or can’t burp as loud as you’d hope she is still in your fantasies. does that make sense? of course, ask if she’s okay with being drawn and given her picture to an artist. but part of the fetish is not simply just “oh can you burp?” but imagining her burping in x/y/z scenario you like because you love her so much that she is now incorporated into your fantasies - REGARDLESS if she’s able to do crazy belches.
Update: thank you guys for responding l, for the most part things have gotten better between her and the fetish. Her skills have improved but we do have issues from time to time with her feeling like i am only with her because of the fetish. Luckily things are far better than before but she’s still shy about it.
Sounds like some insecurity issues. Probably would happen regardless of if you liked her burping or not. “You’re only with me because of my looks/the sex/the perks” etc.
Def second the whole “shower her with love” thing.
I would be careful with the “shower with love” part, you don’t want to love bomb her. What are some other things that make her attractive to you? Does she know those things?
I would imagine you didn’t know she could burp when yall 1st met, so what made you attracted to her then?
I didn’t mean it like that! I just meant being a really loving partner in general, which it sounds he is!
I figured you didn’t, but I wouldn’t want them to take that meaning they have to over the edge with love bombing.