If you like to burp…why?

Does it make you feel superior? Sexy? Does it just feel relieving? I don’t get it

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Like opposed to watching someone else do it?

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It makes me feel masculine and powerful.
Love showing off my skills as an ego booster. I also find the sensation of relief very nice.

Why do you ask?


This lol it feels insanely well.


Because it’s hot


I think it’s an interesting part of sexuality. Some people are very them-focused some are very me-focused. It happens outside of this fetish too.

I only enjoy it when I have a COMPETITIVE female friend. The ones who I find damn near impossible to beat. I’ve had a handful of female friends like that. Like my girl, Kim. Whatever I release, she tops it…so me burping, gives me something to shoot for

I think I am very them-focused in life. However. When it comes to sexuality, I do focus way more in my own pleasure.


do you think you could upload a voice note of you burping? i’m curious to hear your talent haha

100% honest, I do not know how to add voice notes here lol

However, I do have a Snapchat where I regularly post burps just cause. You could check them out there too.


I like burping because it feels relieving. Also I enjoy it. Like after each meal I always have a good burp.

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Vocaroo | Online voice recorder I just recorded these. Let me know if you can hear them. The last ones got very airy lol


can hear them, they’re great!! what a talent

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Because I know there’s people out there like us who get turned on by it

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I mostly get turned on when I burp alone cause I can sort of view it from a perspective outside of myself. Like I’ll mentally roleplay that I’m someone else and just find it hot just to experience the sensation of burping. It’s almost like becoming the sexual object that you desire


I like to feel the relief of burping especially after eating and letting some belches out feels so good. I don’t really get turned on by my own burps, I do like when females react to my burps that does turn me on. But mostly it’s for the relief