Is it ever okay to out someone's fetish?

I saw a tiktok recently that outed their ex as a burp fetishist but is it ever okay to do that? there was context in doing so

No it’s never okay, in fact it’s an extremely lame and immature thing to do.


I’ve been on that side. Not that they “outed” me per se or said “do you have a fetish” but Ive been on the side where I’ve asked somebody about it privately (DMs) and they only answered, questioned, inquired about it publicly. That can be embarrassing. Especially when the whole group knows each other personally( live in the same town, childhood friends, coworkers, have classes together etc). Having to explain it to the person while other people who weren’t apart of the conversation are around is awkward. You’re scrambling trying not to sound like the weirdo you might be being perceived as. But in their defense some people don’t feel as bad about it as it seems they’re just inquisitive. As they say inquiring minds want to know. I could make this a whole lot longer but I won’t. To answer your question is it “okay” in our eyes probably not but it’s not morally wrong or anything. It’s not the end of the world (although it may feel like it and you might not wanna show your face for a while). It’s also a learning experience. Making people feel like shit about it is a different story. I just tend to ask people only on the internet instead of people I actually know now just to avoid the awkward conversations.
I would’ve love for them to talk to me about it privately but we can’t always get what we want. This is also just my perspective from my experience.