Male A.I Fart Art

I saw the A.I Fart post, and decided to make a separate post for male-focused art. Give Bing Image creator a shot, it’s surprisingly good. But make sure you save/download the ones you really like, it doesn’t keep all of them.

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Some of the ones I created:

“ginger bodybuilder man flexing at the beach, farting loudly, strong wind coming out of butt, comic book art style”

“short ginger man and tall black man, farting loudly together”

Though sometimes it mixes up burping and farting

“half-orc, Hairy and Shirtless, farting loudly with other Orcs, in a swamp tavern, comic book style”



Particularly like this one. Did you happen to have any more like it? What I would give for a story about this pic