Medicine and its effect on burps

I realise that this is an unconventional discussion topic, but I think it warrants a post here.

Has anybody else noticed that certain types of medicine can have a direct effect on burps - either in a good or bad way?

As a child, I sometimes took cough syrup that tasted a bit like toffee. Burping after taking it was always a rather enjoyable experience.

I’ve taken aniseed flavoured antacids (in liquid form) as an adult, and that has the opposite effect. They are effective, but the taste of burped-up aniseed flavour combined with the taste of food is not pleasant.

The same can be said for flaxseed oil. In high school, I took three large spoonfuls of it every morning after breakfast to encourage healthy hair, skin, and nail growth. The texture of it is horrible, and so is burping when your stomach is full of thick, greasy liquid. I learned not to burp after taking it - I would do my best to hold it in - and more often than not I’d end up with a bad tummy ache as a result. Not much fun at all.

Then there’s fish oil capsules. Many of us know these awful inventions. They’re seemingly innocuous until after you’ve swallowed them. Wait a short time and then all of a sudden…uuuurp…and you can imagine the rest. Yuck. Fish burps are the worst.

Does anybody else have any experiences with medicine? I’m very intrigued to find out!


All I know is that Advil burps are G R O S S :joy: had me wishing for a solid second that I couldn’t burp. Prozac burps are kind of sweet, though :slight_smile:


The antacids I take from my heartburn make me burp alot and leaves a weird chalky taste in my mouth.


What do Advil burps taste like? They must be nasty based on the way you describe them😵

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What is Advil?

I guess I would say they’re like… bitter, maybe with like a hint of a kind of… spicy isn’t the right word, maybe hot? sort of flavor. It burns your throat once the air comes out, and yesterday I had some that were quite loud. It was a little embarrassing, but it made my headache go away O_o

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That sounds horrible! Uuugh :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face:

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I don’t remember tasting burps from NSAIDs. I take a lot of supplements in raw powder form that taste rank as shit going down and even worse coming up. NAC makes sulfur burps. Not the same as medicine but I only ever remember the taste of Pepto Bismol burps, which are unpleasant, but mostly by association with nausea.


In fairness, it may have been the applesauce I took it with. Creatine makes me burp really LOUD, but there isn’t much taste.

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I have an ADHD prescription and it makes me really burpy an hour after taking it

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i have tried lavender pills for anxiety before and the burps afterwards were the weirdest thing

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Have you ever burped up powder from supplements? That’s kinda freaky.

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No, can’t say I have! Creatine makes me burp like an absolute BEAST though, I’ll have to record some. Today I burped so loud it made my ears ring. First time that’s happened

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You should!

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Does it make you burpy in a good way or a bad way?

Good it feels good letting the gas out especially after a meal

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Update. Two weeks ago, I had a very sore throat and a bad cough. My partner bought a bottle of cough syrup for me and told me to take two spoonfuls. He warned me beforehand that it wouldn’t taste good - and he was right. It’s supposed to be lemon flavoured, but the flavouring just intensifies the overall bitterness (which is very noticeable and lingering).

Around ten minutes after taking it, I started feeling as though I wanted to burp. Knowing that it would inevitably taste exactly like the cough syrup, I tried my best to hold it in. But eventually it came out (because burps aren’t always able to be suppressed indefinitely) and it was absolutely vile. I am NEVER using that brand of cough syrup again. Not ever. It’s disgusting. :nauseated_face:

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What was the brand?

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It’s called Borstol. It comes in an orange box and the bottle is dark brown. It’s awful😬

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