Mods... I hope y’all are aware

Huh, I got nominated? A curious choice.

Not to toot my own horn, but I could do the job, if need be. But frankly, I’d say it’s up to the mods we currently have to make the choice on who to give modship to.

I will say for sure though, the level of toxicity here in the community is outrageous. I will not name names or point fingers, because hey, I’m not perfect either. But I think we might not even need another mod if we could just behave like the adults we are. We don’t have to like each other, and hell, if y’all really want to, you can shit talk each other in PMs or something. But for the sake of the community, keep the drama and other crap away. If you’re not willing to do it for yourselves, do it for everyone else that has to deal with the bullshit.

Anyways, mods, I do seriously give you props for sticking around despite all of the chaos. Please, keep up the work you’re doing. I know it’s hard, but I’m sure a majority of the community is willing to help lessen the load by behaving like adults.


We also wouldn’t need legal institutions if people didn’t murder and steal, but that’s just not realistic. There need to be more mods.


While I fully understand your point, I don’t think comparing crimes to people being toxic and dramatic is valid. Seems a little extreme, but that’s just my opinion on the matter.

And you could be right about us still needing more mods regardless. I am unaware of how many mods the site actually has. Still, I think we need to give the mods some time to make a decision on whether or not they want to grant modship to someone, especially since all mods should be present to make a decision like that.


Didn’t Umbris say that the mods were going to talk through next steps? Probably best to leave this alone until they talk. Nothing productive is really being down in this thread at this point.


I disagree. The analogy is simply that bad behavior will occur because not everyone can be counted on to act as they should, so oversight is necessary. Also, “toxic” and “dramatic” behavior is not the only thing on this forum that needs to be moderated, if by that you mean rudeness and impolite arguments. Abusive behavior towards content creators, piracy (which is a crime), and the posting of underage content (also a crime) need to be controlled.

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That’s a fair point. I figured that the main point of getting a new mod would be to handle the rising toxicity and drama, but you’re right. I have seen people being absolutely horrible to content creators, and because of that, some of them are leaving. I haven’t noticed piracy as much, but I’m sure that’s still an issue as well.

Soaringeagle also has good point, though. I think leaving this alone for now is a good idea, let the mods do their thing. We’ll just have to be patient while we wait for their decision.

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Thank you for being so mature about the situation! Yes I certainly think you could be a good nomination - it wouldn’t be a lot of work, but more eyes on posts is always a good thing. I’ll see what the other mods think.


Currently we have Q (also an admin who deals with maintaining the site), dittodood, Aristhan, Rosy and myself. It would seem (and this is just my opinion) that more moderation could help, but the rules can also be examined because they’re imperfect.

One feature of Discourse that not everyone might be fully aware of is the flagging system. I often see people asking for mods to do something about a post, but actions can be taken even before a mod is online. If enough users flag a post (and the minimum number is quite low), it will be automatically hidden. Then a moderator can decide upon review to keep it hidden or disagree and restore it. This kind of democratic moderation actually means that horrible posts would be hidden almost immediately if enough users flagged them.

Conversely, if a post goes unflagged, even if it’s horrendous it won’t be seen by a mod unless they happen to be browsing (and we don’t sit around browsing all day, as much as that would help). So please, flag posts that you consider break the rules! It makes everyone’s experience better.


This flagging system does seem useful. I will be sure to use it in the future, know that I know about it.

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I will too

This place is full of children. Ignore them.

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To be fair I’m only really here for porn, so when I see a flamewar it doesn’t really matter to me that much.


More admins will not help. The system should consist in the less possible number of admins. I’ve imagined a possible system which ibvknbes a gerarchy. Main admins will run the main groups and take major decisions. After those, below them we’d have the admins of the satélite groups [Discord Snap and maybe other forums] Below those admins should be a charge id call the Inspectors or “Lieutenant Admin” who’s work is to inspect the forum in search of:

-Pedo material
-Extrem material
-Haters and trolls
-Unwanted posts which involve drama and bullshit.

The rest is the community.
Back to the numbers having this structure would help to administrate the group by a single command divided in several units which work independently helping to the forum and the newcomers. This means that the lower step [Inspectors] Should be the most numerous and the main admins should be the most experienced people inside the group. Forum veterans like for example classic burpers who ran this forum since its origins. That means a little number of people.

All the charges should be elected by the main admins and maybe rotated after some times. Not forever one would have a charge. This would be like a tresspas of responsibility minimizing the capacity of human error.


-Main admin - > veterans
-Satélite groups admins
-Lieutenant admin [Inspectors] regulated and changed after some time in the charge.

Okay that’s just my suggestion I’d like to share with you due to the amount of de organization and separatism involving new groups and random discords instead in one community sticked up together around the main idea this group was created to promote toleration and acceptance to a group of guys who felt weird due to a rare fetish. Remember who we are​:muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

The Discord and Pro Boards forum (for the brief time it was up) are arguably not satellite groups of this, but groups created to be somewhat separate from the Discourse forum.

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Well, It was a way of taking. I ment the groups that collaborate within this main one. Maybe I didn’t express it accurately. :sweat_smile:

I agree that more mods won’t help. The problem is with divisions created mostly by different views on the ethics we should be upholding as a community.

As far as I’m concerned, the expected standards around ethical issues like asking girls to burp or leaving disrespectful comments on videos on sites like TIKTOK are CLEAR. Anyone who chooses to fight against the community moving more in an ethical direction can kindly FUCK Off because we don’t want to be associated with you anymore, for years we have let these things slide, I’m over it! And I’m over your lame excuses for your behaviour. Girls were not put on this earth to burp for you! And expecting them to do it for you for free is the height of misogyny!

There is an easy way to deal with any division caused by these sorts of issues, ban anyone who refuses to accept the ethical guidelines! Why do we even bother to allow them any say on the matter when such actions are decidedly WRONG and only serve to tarnish our communities name and make us all look like creeps or misogynistic assholes.

We as a community need to stop the appeasement and looking the other way and start taking action against anyone caught offending the guidelines. With pornhub finally dealing with their huge piracy issue, now is the time to reinforce our stance that sharing paid content is completely unacceptable.

And I’d challenge any one of you cowards who do this shit in the shadows to man the fuck up and just try come at me bro, cuz ill tear you straight back down. To me you’re nothing but trash.