Moment of Appreciation for Melanie (Cartiers gf)….and for Cartier

Even with all of the TikTok’s, lives, onlyfans, etc…this girl is still one of the GOATs.

I think these videos are in the category that’s by far the most rare, which is it’s not porn, and it’s not done for views or attention. Akin to getting a snap from girl in real life.

Okay so Cartier was clearly a man of culture. He loved some belches, he loved a bloated belly. He didn’t ruin the videos with conversation. Like, if Carter was on these forums we were all like “bro you gotta record your gf!!!”…we couldn’t have told him to make a better video than he already did. Kudos, no notes.

Perfectly deep, rumbly belches. Sexy as ****. Puts on a show for her man but doesn’t act awkward or anything. Occasional show-offy, burp in camera moments. But for the most part just being normal, despite Carter being weird af and silent just saying burp for me. Even with my wife who endulges my fetishes, I don’t ask her to burp nonstop while I sit there silently for 5 minutes. But I want to, I love a little bit of voyeuristic, almost pretend I’m not here type of stuff.

So the combo of all that, and to be that rare video, especially these days, that doesn’t feel transactional, just makes it super special for me.

That’s my deepest analysis but idk, there’s just something about those videos that do it even when nothing else does.

Hats off to those two.

Anyone else feel the same? Or have a girl/video you feel similarly about?


Agree for the most part, but in one of the first videos the guy was speaking a bit and it was pretty cringe from what I remember. I think people here had to tell him not to do it again. The videos are definitely goated though.


Nice sentiments. Shame at the end he had a reputation for apparently ripping people off, IIRC.

But remember it’s Cartier with an “i”. It’s easier to help new burp fetish fans find their work by properly naming them.


Edited, thanks

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Wait I didn’t know anything about this guy… he posted the videos while a member here? Is there lore behind Cartier?

Yeah there is. IIRC people thought he scammed them by stiffing on videos, or by copying custom specs and sending them to several different people, or something. I have a backup of the old forum and when I share it we could check that for the exact details. So, people retaliated by ensuring to share as much as they could so everyone could see what they had made.

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I think, if I remember correctly (correct me if I’m wrong) but some people on the forums (can’t remember if it was the old one or new one) that they ended up finding Melanie (I don’t even think that was her name) in some college town but decided to leave her alone and not pursue her. Which I respect their decision on doing that, and I think that was the right decision, but it makes me think what more we could’ve had on top of what there is from her… knowing she is close if not the best burper in history.


Wasnt there a video where she burped into a tube? Or am I making that up?

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It’s the video where she’s showing her feet

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I agree, these videos are something special. I don’t think I know of another situation where a guy from here was able to convince their partner to burp on camera. No doubt they wanted to make money and she was OK with it because of that. I don’t know the details of what happened but as people have said, some accused them of scamming or some shit. And no doubt she was a victim of us sharing the content, until eventually all her content was available for free, not sure if that influenced their decision to stop or not, but wouldn’t blame them.

Of course she remains one of the top burping queens and beloved by almost all of us, her burps were diverse, she did 2 vids in a bikini ffs lol :smiley: I am still very thankful for her contribution and have mad respect for her for doing it.

Definitely the sort of videos I would point a new person who is just discovering their fetish to, because I know they will not disappoint under any circumstances. I envy anyone who is still yet to see them for the first time.


I know exactly what you’re talking about. It wasn’t on the old nor the new forum. It was on YouTube…in the comment section. Dude said her real name is TAYLOR and she works in a bar

Yep…a black tube. Right before she let em rip into the tube…she said ( I’ve never done this before) or something like that

They told him not to do it?? But that was his partner, Right? :rofl: Like, I would think u could talk like that with your girlfriend. Maybe it’s just me

new vid?!


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yeah!! some champ already stitched it all together in this comp here at 0:55



Yoooo. We need to get to know the year of the vid

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Thanks for the channel recommendation, great taste

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Sorry to revive an old thread but does anyone know when the Melanie videos first started popping up on the internet? I’m curious