Money First

I know it’s improbable but we custom buyers need to normalize asking for content before making payment. Either that or do like I’ve done once or twice and pay half to show that I’m not scamming them, and after they show me they’re not scamming me, I send the other half. I discussed a custom with Em drips about a week ago. She hit me up about an hr ago asking if I was ready for my video. I told her yes. She asked me to send the money. After I sent it, she said her " turn around time" is 24 hrs. I told her that I thought she was sending it now. She tells me she has to wait till tomorrow to get the stuff for the video because it’s after 2am. Well why the fuck didn’t she wait for tomorrow to ask for the money? If ALL customers of this kink started asking for content first, these women would either refuse…and not get paid anything, or start gambling with trustworthy of their customers like we gamble with whether they’re trustworthy or not when they demand money first

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No offence but the concept of receiving something before paying for it is pretty ridiculous. I understand scammers exist but unfortunately that’s just how life is. Thankfully I’ve never been scammed and tbh I think that is probably a testament to how well I can sniff out nefarious people when I see them, although I’m sure luck plays a part as well. A lot of girls I’ve bought from have specified to only pay them when they are about to start filming, which eliminates the issue you had. Ultimately I just think it’s kind of absurd to expect creators to give you content for free and then just rely on the good will of people to pay them afterwards. If you want to talk about scammers I would suspect half of the people who would receive content before paying would never end up coughing up the money. And what incentive would they have to do that anyway? Don’t mean to be a dick but I just feel like this had to be said.


Well you say that but it can be easily flipped - I think it’s ludicrous that strangers whose integrity you can’t verify, expect you to give them a huge sum of money with no guarantee of actually getting the product. I don’t think there’s any difference between the ludicrousness of either - the system is just swayed in favour of the content creator.

How far would any commercial body go with no receipts/warranties/guarantees/reputation?

Honestly, I don’t think you should ask a custom from anyone if they don’t have a decent amount of premades. I think a lot of people jump the gun way too fast on wanting a custom from someone. Honestly, if I wanted a “custom” of sorts from someone starting out, I would only pay for what I’m comfortable losing if I did get scammed. Let’s say $50 is the max im comfortable to losing, then if they are charging more and not willing to take 50 min, I don’t care how much you like them, you gotta decline and keep it moving.


I suppose that’s why sites like onlyfans etc exist, so you have someone in the middle to handle these kinds of disputes. Otherwise the best way might be to just start with small amounts/videos until you know she’s going to keep her promises.


I think this is the way it’s going really

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Well she has loads of pre-mades, and I don’t think this 8s one of those situations where the female takes your :moneybag: and doesn’t deliver the product. This is one of those situations where she wasn’t quite ready yet, but lead me on to believe she was ready and she had everything she needed for the video when she actually wasn’t and didn’t. This is one of those situations where a female knows she’s not able to make a video until Thursday but she asks for the money on Monday ( hypothetically days of the week). In that kind of situation, take my money on Thursday if u can’t make my video until Thursday. Don’t have me all hot and ready and believing I’m getting it now lol

What you’re saying makes lots of sense as far as the world of reality. But since you’ve never seen hit by anyone on the scam list, you don’t really feel that anger that we who have feel lol. In this situation, I don’t believe she took the money and ran with it, because she’s got tons of pre-mades, she’s on several platforms and she doesn’t have a bad reputation. This is one of those situations where u ask for a particular theme with your custom, she lies and says she has everything right there with her, and after the payment was posted, she says “it’s too late and she has to go to the store tomorrow to get what she needs”. I believe she’ll make it but, when she feels like it, instead of when she originally told me she was going to make it

well your idea of a deposit would work.

if the price was $100, drop $50 to show commitment and her show you the file of the customer she will send to you , even play a preview of it just so it shows she at least did it. Once it’s confirmed, send the rest and then she send the video.


Yeah I’ve done it twice. Not only is it fair, but when I send it, it shows them that I’m serious and not wasting their time. I see it as… Neither one of us know one another, I’m taking a risk sending the money first you’re taking a risk sending the content first. But the way it is, it’s expected for the buyer to lay it ALL on the line and take the risk. When u expect the content creator to lay it on the line, people think you’re nuts. :rofl: