Nastiest sounds

Hey folks. Just wanted to know in your opinion, which females have the grossest, wettest, gurgliest sounding burps that you ever heard? Feel free to post links if necessary. Also tell about any of them that you’ve heard personally, females who aren’t in front of the camera. I know my friend Kimberly, when she sends me audio messages sometimes, they sound uniquely wet. Then there are other times that they don’t have that particular sound. I wonder if it depends on what they eat or drink…:thinking:


I’ve always thought Cara’s sounded pretty gross. Andrea Veiga on tiktok, she put out two videos showcasing burps she had from stomach ulcers, and they definitely sound ulcerous to me lol. Also “ducahti” from tiktok.


Yes… the great Cara Fradette. And I had forgotten all about Andrea and how gross hers sounded LMAO ( ulcerous). Can’t say that I’m familiar with ducahti tho

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Velvet from CassidyClips. I honestly can say i have yet to hear that type of tone again. Also, noelle from noelle’s show were the chunkiest burps i’ve ever heard.


I used to have the biggest burp crush on Velvet. Y es, you’re right, forgot all about her gurgley sounding burps. Plus she was beautiful and caramel on top of that. Hell yeah, Noel was one of the first females that I started watching on YouTube. We were even my space friends back in the day LOL

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Noelle’s were ridiculously chonky


Ducahti has 3 of my favorite videos ever really wish she made more but prob got scared off