Hello, I’ve been trying for years to learn to burp on command with no luck over the years. I’ve tried every tutorial ivexseen and none ever helped me out. I’m beggining to think that maybe I need someone to actually mentor me and give me some lessons lol. It would be awesome if it was a female teachor, but i want to learn really bad, so open to a male mentor as well. I know this is a huge longshot and a big ask lol, but it can’t hurt to at least try and see if anyone is interested. If anyone is, feel free to dm me or commrnt on this post. Thanks in advance. Also for reference, I’m a guy.
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the ONLY way i was lucky with this (after 20 years loll not even exaggerating could never do it until now) is like make a growling noise sorta like how ppl impersonate darth vader and practice with your mouth closed then open practice going quiet then loud etc. its so simple once u learn