Nervous to tell my boyfriend

My boyfriend is a compulsive, constant burper. We’ve been friends for years and he’s always been extremely gassy. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as gross as he is and it drives me crazy. I’m sure he would be alright if I told him the truth about how I feel, but I’m worried that he’ll judge me for secretly getting aroused every time he burped when we were friends. I’m also worried he’ll think I’m judging him if I tell him what I really think of his burps.
His burps are absolutely repulsive. I don’t think he’s ever done a single “vanilla” burp in front of me, they’ve always been really loud, long, bassy, gurgly, or smelly or some combination of all of them. Sometimes he’ll burp when we’re in the car together and my eyes will start to water and I’ll have trouble breathing. I like this. It makes me nuts.
There was a particular incident a few months ago where he burped like a foot from my face when we were in his car. It was a very cold night and I could feel and smell this warm cloud waft into my face. Panties immediately drenched. Could not focus on anything after this point.
I really like it when he burps but I don’t know how he’ll react if I tell him. I’m worried he will be offended or weirded out. I want to tell him because it feels wrong to keep this secret from him and the more time passes the worse I think it’ll be when the truth comes out. This isn’t a minor kink or a manner of me finding it a little cute, I am completely aroused when he burps. If I tell him things will change, but I don’t know how they will. I don’t want him to know but it feels wrong to keep a secret. If I tell him, I am worried he’ll start burping to flirt with me or it’ll immediately become foreplay which I don’t want. I enjoy his burps being about him and how gassy he feels, I don’t want him to focus his burps on me. I don’t know if that makes sense. I like the idea of him burping around me but not to pleasure me, more him burping because he needs to. I don’t want to ruin the natural feeling from his insane burps. I feel like bringing it up is going to make it weird. But at the same time I don’t think I’ve ever felt this sexually aroused by someone doing something and it feels wrong to pretend it isn’t happening. I feel like I’m taking advantage of him.


Have you tried farting in his face, honey?

I… don’t think that’s the answer she hoped for…?


if you two are dating, he should be accepting and not judge you for your kinks. I’d say go for it, even if he reacts badly (unlikely imo) it’s better than just hiding this secret forever


In my experience people who are comfortable burping frequently and without embarrassment are less likely to be weirded out, especially if you’re in a relationship. He might find it weird if you mentioned it on like a first date, but you’re already dating. But I get not wanting it to stop being natural though, like not wanting it to become performative for you.


Explain it exactly how you’ve explained it here and I’m sure he’d be so thrilled to know how something he does so naturally and regularly turns you on so much. Like the person above said, the fact he’s already comfortable and confident doing it in front of you suggests he already doesn’t care what you think about it, which will probably mean the sooner you tell him, the sooner you can feel relaxed about it too. If you’re already dating, already sexually connected and are both attracted to each other, then this will only strengthen those foundations and give you both even more things to share together.


It will always be scary opening up about something so personal. Talking about something this ingrained into you leaves you very vulnerable. Even though you seem less worried about yourself and more worried about how things may change with how he treats burping. Personally I think you have two perfectly valid options.

  1. It is perfectly okay to find something your significant other does sexually appealing. You dont have to explain or mention every little thing. As long as you are not hurting yourself or your signifigant other with this enjoyment its perfectly okay to say nothing. There may be plenty of little things you do that drive him wild too and it might even hinge on the fact that you do it so natrually. Unless you are abusing something he does at the detriment to him, id personally say its okay to enjoy yourself. Hes doing something that makes you happy that he would already be doing even if he didnt know (which is exactly whats happening now) if you truly feel too guilty to not say anything then id recommend option 2.

  2. Tell him how it makes you feel, but also mention just like you did in the post above that you dont want things to change. You arent telling him this in hopes for anything different, you are simply giving him your observation on how things currently are. If you two have a good relationship
    (Which it sounds like you do, being good friends for so long before this) then im sure rather than weirded out or opposed, he’d probably be happy. Knowning that something that normally grosses people out or could be seen as unappealing, now has positive connotations? That’d probably make his day.

Now you are free to do whatever you like, this is your relationship and you truly know best your own situation. I just hope you remember if this guy really loves you, i dont think this is going to be a problem for you guys at all.