New To Fetish (19F rant)

Hi. I’m a 19F. This is just me ranting because i don’t have anyone to talk to about this. I feel pretty disgusted and embarrassed for even typing this out.

I think I developed this fetish at a young age. Since I was like 6 or 7 I remember liking burps. I would watch Nickelodeon or Disney shows and constantly rewinding the tv when a character burped. (Big Time Rush, SpongeBob, and Jessie were the main ones) Or I’d would play with barbies and make them burp in each others faces. I think i even asked a couple of my friends to burp because I found it funny. I tried to teach myself to burp on command several times but I never could, I still can’t.

As I got older (12 or 13 maybe?) I would search for videos of people burping. Mainly guys but I watched women too. That’s when the fantasies started. I imagined my crush or a cute guy grabbing me and pinning me against a wall or getting on top of me and holding me down. He would let out these huge disgusting burps right in my face. Holding my face so I couldn’t look away, forcing me to smell them and feel how wet they were. I thought it was just a gross immature phase I had, that I would eventually get over it, I never did.

I became an older teen and I started to watch fetish videos. But I could only really find videos of girls burping, I didn’t have much luck finding guys belching or guys burping on women. I still don’t, which sucks since I have a preference for men. I would sit in class and listen to my guy friends have burping competitions. I realized this wasn’t just something I liked or found funny. It was sexual, it turns me on. Then I thought about the other fetishes I developed or think I might be into. I still have the same fantasies that I had when I was younger, they’ve just gotten grosser. Its been on my mind a lot recently. I’ve been watching videos, reading stories and forums a lot more now. I started been at this forum since like October (I think. and not logged in, of course) This is my first time posting here. Hell, this is my first time even writing/talking about my fetish. I’ve been wanting to talk about it or even act on it for a little while now

As I mentioned above, I’m kind of ashamed of this fetish. I feel like I’m disgusting for wanting to be burped on. I feel gross about the other stuff I might be into too. I think I feel embarrassed for a lot of reasons .Obviously belching and gas is a gross and taboo subject in most places, but especially in the south, which is where I’m from. I was raised to have manners and to be ladylike. I was taught, that as a girl, burping was rude and nasty. But it seems like most of men and boys could get away with burping and being gross in general(boys will be boys) I think some of the shame comes from being a women with this specific fetish. I never understood why they could freely burp and laugh and find it funny, but I couldn’t. I was told it was unladylike when i did it, or I shouldn’t laugh and encourage the boys more. I never understood why.

I think I’m going to end it here(for now?). I might update and continue writing or I might just try to forget about even writing this. Sorry for the long unhinged rant. All of this was just rolling around in my mind and I had to get it out. I still have a lot more on my mind but either way, thank you for reading,


Hey you seem to be in a similar boat as most of us here. I spent years wondering why I am attracted to girls burping and how if anyone found out id be so ashamed. As i got older maybe like 16-17 I realized that lot of people have secret fetishes that most deem taboo. Im sure alotta people also burry fetish feelings deep inside because of what others may think of them. But at the end of day we have these feelings and if it is not going to harm anyone why not just enjoy it. Im sure a ton of guys would burp on you if you asked and had built a healthy relationship with them, i know that when my exes asked me to do something for them fetish wise , even if i wasn’t into it, I would indulge them because I was in love with them. Also you aren’t alone in the escalation of the fetish and I’m into other similar fetishes that are deemed unladylike. I don’t think you can really change these feelings either and at least for you and I these feelings started at a very young age and started to mature and manifest around puberty. I hope mine and others shared experiences help you feel better about your fetish. Id be happy to chat with you further if you had more you wanted to get off your chest.

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Well, first of all, there’s nothing wrong with having a fetish; most people are attracted to something unique or al least enjoy some things more than other. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, since it’s a natural thing people have.

On the other hand, I do understand what it feels like to not have anyone to talk or discuss these types of topics in general; I’ve been there. If you ever need anyone to talk, I believe people in here will be more than happy to chat, myself included (0)

Also understand the “disgust” your might feel towards your fantasies, however, there’s nothing wrong with that; everyone has them. While it might be a bit off (at the beginning) to be turned on by some things, as long you are not hurting yourself (or others), there’s nothing to be ashamed of!


Hey, welcome! Sharing your background with burping and related fetishes is definitely a reason this place exists. There are threads from other women here who share really similar sentiments.

I’m 23m and started seeing a sex therapist this year and it did wonders for reducing shame. If that kind of thing is an option for you and you want more than just venting, I definitely think it can help. Happy to answer Qs from anyone about that experience


Never be ashsmed of your natural feelings and desires!


It’s normal to feel ashamed of it. I think it’s just a natural progression that most of us experience. Having a fetish has it’s ups and downs but I think overall I wouldn’t trade it. It just takes some time. Thank you for sharing your story and welcome! This was a pleasant read.

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This is a struggle I have experienced so much myself. I never signed up for this fetish. Why does something that is funny and/or gross to others make me want to masturbate?

The worst thing is that some people that can burp on command and others can’t. When you have the fetish and can burp on command, you can get others to do it with you and for your pleasure, knowingly or unknowingly. There’s always that struggle of using people to get what you desire. There is also the shame if you cannot burp and want others to satisfy your cravings to fulfil this fetish. The worst thing is that when other people burp on command, you might think it is hot. But, they only intended to be funny or gross.

There is an even more disturbing aspect of this fetish. If you are like me, you are aroused by the burps, but not necessarily the person doing it. I have had people that are not my type show that they could burp on command, and that overrides everything else.

Please don’t be ashamed or think it’s immature. It’s a preference. It gives you pleasure, and it has nothing to do with you. It doesn’t define you. It’s like a dietary preference.

It is perfectly normal for a fetish like this to be treated as any pornographic material. Certain things turn you on, and it may never be pratical for real life relationships with others. Even on forums like this, you will discover that there are a broad spectrums of burp fetish satisfaction. Some people only like “natural burps”. Other people focus on finding people they are initially attracted to, and then wait for them to let out the tiniest burp. Others, such as myself, are entirely into the swallowing/gulping of air to burp on command.

You don’t have to worry about what is ladylike or unladylike. There is a broad spectrum of things you want done to you and things you want to do to other for mutual sexual gratification. In the same sense, there are things that you want to hold apart from human interation and leave in the realm of fantasy and self-pleasure. Your body and your sexual desires are yours to explore. Nobody should be allowed to judge you. Give yourself some breathing room to explore this fetish, and to suppress it based on your own boundaries and need for security.

Your rant is anything but unhinged. You have articulated with great clarity the desires we all have for burp fetish satisfaction, and the insecurities, struggles, and pleasure that accompany it.

Good luck exploring and managing your fetish.


As someone who has had the fetish for more than half my life (27M) I get this. I’ve come to learn not to be ashamed by it, as it is a part of my life and learning to embrace it makes the fetish much better

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replying to the main post. I’m your age which I could tell not from the “F19” but from you saying you were able to find fetish videos online. so born around that era.

don’t be weirded out but i got mine from seeing America’s Funniest Home Videos (it’s a tv show my mom had on when I was 9 or 10) and the one clip they show was a fat racoon rolling because it had gained so much weight. Someone kept it as their pet I guess.

I would have daydreams (when I was young) about a character I would make up in my head eating a lot of food and burping. Ive just always thought of burping as symbolizing a girl has just eaten and is full of food. I dont like fat chicks but I like some weight on them, and if theyre gassy too its just the dream

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Im sorry but what did the raccoon do for you??? Im lost. Were u attracted to the raccoon???


My g idk wtf he is on about


I’m sorry this is causing you to feel ashamed. I think as long as no one gets hurt, there’s nothing wrong with it but I know it’s easier said than done. I guess the best way to get comfortable might just be talking more about it with people and see that you’re not alone and not weird.


So the fat azz racoon is the origin of your fetish? Did the thing burp or something??? :person_shrugging:


Its a rough fetish when it comes to not fully understanding your wants and needs sexually. For example if you have an S&M kink you probably dont have to deal with that coming up in public or casual conversation. Something like burping though is a natural and common enough occurance that it can feel awkward and shameful for it to give you sexual feelings in a non sexual setting. The older you get and the more common it is for you to be in sexual situations by choice rather than circumstance, itll get easier to deal with those feelings. Like many of the others here if you have any questions, comments or concerns please reach out to other community members. It can be scary and uncomfortable dealing with any type of sexual identity crisis when you feel alone and like no one else is like you are. There are tons of normal and safe ways to explore the fetish that may help you come to terms with these feelings. Once you feel comfortable enough with them that you dont feel ashamed for the inability to control these feelings. You can decide weather or not to pursue avenues that lead to more of them or try to cut them out of your life entirely. We cant control everything about us and for things like feelings we dont have the choice to feel or not feel. What we do have control over is how we react to these feelings and while difficult to accept, you will feel better once you try.

Dealing with feelings we dont want can feel like the 5 stages of grief sometimes. We all get there at different speeds and every stage is completely valid.

I hope you find some inner peace and confidence in yourself and again if you ever need anything the community is here for everyone


Same age here, I remember when I was around 11 or 12, heading up, my fascination for burps in cartoons started getting sexual once I watched vids of real people burping, and even though I enjoyed them a lot, some days or even just times, a deeper feeling I’d feel a little guilty for listening afterwards, as i thought sometimes, “It turns you on? You’re gross” though, this feeling is a little rarely, it does creep up sometimes, like for example because I only ever experienced sexual satisfaction with burp videos, jumping into the forum was new to me and exciting, until i started feeling even more guilty afterwards like, “why did you do that? You were keeping it to yourself, you were doing so good and now you’re on a forum? How more “naughty” can you get?” Literally thinking in my mind that i should have some sort of punishment for even participating in something that I enjoy even though it’s harmless, which is why I had a previous account up here before I deleted it cause too many thoughts were going in my mind. But, i as I’m slowly accepting, I recommend don’t be too hard on yourself, after all, even though it’s am everyday thing most ppl do, it’s harmless and we’re not hurting anyone, maybe this’ll sound cheesy or generic (i don’t know words lol) but it’ll be okay, it’s just like any other “odd” fetish out there, plus there’s so much more weirder fetishes.