How does one complete the whole month? as burping is everywhere and for some the urge to relief one’s sexual urges is quite frequent.
I mean, it’s not like sexualized things, and to an extent, even sex itself aren’t prevalent everywhere for those without the fetish.
I don’t really care about it personally, and I wonder how many people here (and in general) actually do it and don’t just joke about it.
Anyway, it all depends on whether ditto decides to drop new videos on that November or not. This year, he did.
The simple fact is once a pretty girl or handsome man allows their cricopharyngeus to vibrate, most of us here are screwed even the word burp can set some of us off-
I’m a nonconformist, so NNN has never been an annual obligation. I cannot even look at BW without getting the urge to tug one out, even if the discussion is about refusing to give in to the fetish.
One completes the whole month through willpower and accountability. It’s not difficult. It’s just unlikely you’ll actually commit.
it’s not that hard, I won’t be doing it as I don’t particularly care but I went like 4 years without doing it. I promise that it isn’t that hard