Orgasmic Burps

Are there any videos that you could think of, off the top of your head were a female is burping and the release of gas is feeling so good to her that she moans a little?? Where there’s a possibility that the sounds are not only from relief, but maybe being turned on by doing it??


I have the one video of me burping with a vibrator for the first time. I was intending to moan from pleasure but the release of the burps made the orgasms stronger


Mmmm sexy as hell

Riley Jane is great for this. She does it in basically all her clips. Including with masturbation videos and stuff. I think the best example is when she moans when she’s giving burpjobs. I understand she really feeds off of giving others pleasure, hence getting pleasure from it herself!


You’re right, come to think of it. Also Dana Vixen

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