Program to recognize bloated bellies in videos?

Just like how there’s that program to recognize the sounds of burps in videos, might there be a program to visually recognize bloated bellies? There are many videos out there of eating challenges, mukbangs, etc. that are very long and make it tedious to look for that moneyshot of a bloated gut. I would think by now with A.I. that it could be possible. Maybe?

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Finding exposed stomachs in videos is a quite a specific use case. I’m sure you’ll find something already out there that could do it for you, like a CLIP based model, but it probably won’t do it as well as you’d like. It’s things like these that can boost you into exploring something (maybe new), like machine learning. Object detection is a pretty well explored field, which gives you ample resources to learn from.

Sometimes, you just gotta be Thanos.