Queer Women In Community

As a lesbian eructophile, it sometimes feels like this community assumes everyone here is male, especially in the female media category, but I know that isn’t the case, and I’d love to hear from other women who are attracted to women about their experiences with this fetish. I’m particularly interested in how your experiences might be different from the men here who are attracted to women. As a trans woman, I sometimes struggle with feeling like the fetish is an implicitly “male-coded” thing that I have to unlearn, and I think hearing other sapphic perspectives (cis or trans) would be helpful in recontextualizing it.


Me! I’m also a lesbian, though oddly enough I’m into both male and female burps. I think it’s more the sound for me, compared to the person doing it. I have a girlfriend, but they don’t know about my fetish and I’m not sure I’ll ever tell them tbh. I don’t think they would judge me, but, it’s just something I’d rather keep to myself. Glad to see another lesbian here :slight_smile:


Hiii, i’m a little late on this but still want to share
I have preference for female burps but still liked when my ex boyfriends did it. So i guess both work for me

I wouldn’t consider myself straight, because I feel quite attracted to women but I feel that most of the attraction is related to the fetish.

I’ve only dated guys but had 2 situationship with women.
And I do think that the gaze changes if you are a straight man with the fetish or if you are a queer woman. similar to male gaze or female gaze

About what i found attractive about female burps i would say that the fact that the situation represents something more intimate, like they being comfortable burping around me, and of course the fact that burping is a taboo and something not ladylike

Also i don’t think i focus a lot in the girl’s look, i mean it’s hot when a model or gorgeous girl does it. But it’s the same turn on when an elder or a chubby girl does it.


I guess I’m a queer woman, I am aro ace so I feel like this fetish is just a playing card in the deck that is my life but a no useable one like the joker or the one that tell you how to play certain games. I think my gender identity was discovered through the fetish through roleplay and such. Side note whilst I am Aro Ace I mainly watch femme presenting people or animations but all genders are sources of arousal.

This isn’t directly relevant but is a bit funny. I got the fetish after discovering it existed, over a year later. It started as a joke with my friends since one of the girls burped a lot and joked it is probably a fetish. So we joined Discord servers for burp fetish stuff, and took bets “do you think it is male or female dominated”. All but one of us assumed female, assuming it’d be more tied to masculinity. But it seems more so men being attracted to women breaking the mold with femininity.

this is queer adjacent but I would be interested to see how non cis people are into it.

most if not all fetish communities are male dominated. there could be an equal amount of women with the fetish for all we know, straight cis women just tend to be less vocal about it likely due to societal constricts