Quickest most discrete way to find out if other can burp

What are people’s go to quick ways of finding out if the other person can burp or not, without giving the fetish away when first meeting them?


It’s been a while since I met up with anyone to have to dig for this. On dating apps though, I usually just ask. Thankfully I have a pretty logical backstory about my days as a cheerleader to tie it together.


Cheerleader and burping? I have no idea how you could merge those two together


Well… being around so many cheerleaders for so long (obviously a female dominated sport) it stands to reason that I would have met some good belchers. Usually they comment about how I was a cheerleader and probably knew some girls that were better than guys


I was with a friend recently and we had a huge meal. He hid his burp and I said, “you don’t have to feel emberrassed about burping I’m cool with it”. To which he replied, “oh, well I honestly hate burping”. So yeah :upside_down_face:

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That’s not bad, what would you do if they ask you to show it?

idk if it works all across the board but the easiest way i find, is to observe and record their natural burp patterns if they stifle it around you.

when you feel like theyre about to burp, leave the room but listen out. depending on the person, theres a chance they’ll let loose and you’ll hear. its not the same as being up close, but at least you’ll know how they do it when they (think they) are alone.

also depending on the person, they may get eventually comfortable enough to let it out near you.


Well, it’s always difficult to really learn a lot about a person when you’re meeting them for the first time. Like, not even about burping but anything outside of the realm of the expected or appropriate or even anything inside that realm. You may find out where they went to school and what their math teacher’s name was but you won’t learn about all of the details until later. It has to come naturally. If you’re a good talker, you can easily get some information out of people.

Basically it all comes down to the right scenario. Maybe you’re talking to a person for the first time and you reach a point where you ask what underwear they like or if they use sex toys or whatnot lol but you wouldn’t outright ask anyone that, so it has to come naturally.

I usually ask women outright when some similar topic comes up. The important thing is to not focus too hard on it. Like, if you had a foot fetish, you could easily talk about feet to a woman without coming off as weird, just sprinkle it in a bit here and there, I guess. No idea what a foot fetishist would like to know about feet lol but I’m just using it as an example of a fetish you might not share. So, if you were witnessing some person focusing 100% on foot talk, that’s cringe as hell and will turn every person off right away.

Just some little bits here and there but you need to learn when to let go for the moment. Get back to the topic when the flow allows it, share some anecdote related to burping for example that leaves room for questions.

Sometimes you won’t get all the answers you want during a first meeting. That’s just the way it is, but sometimes you do. My suggestion would be patience. Mention it in a non-weird manner, ask a few fitting questions, move on, try again another time.

If the person actually likes you, you can open up to them eventually. Most people won’t hold it against you and if they do, they aren’t worth your time anyway.

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Many years ago this helped me. I was chatting with a friend and i told her i had a burp contest with other friend (you could say your brother/sister) and she told me she was pretty unlady, that she could burp like a beast. Unluckily for me, i could never heard her burp in person, but it helped to know she can.

Other method i’ve used is to talk about a friend (if you are talking to a girl, say it’s a female friend) who burps regularly, the abc’s or anything. If she feels uncomfortable or says it’s disgusting (like what i’ve experienced) just move on to another topic.

Well I used to purposely HIDE my burps until one day my S.O. said that he thought they were cute and then I never felt embarrassed to hide them I actually even fart in front of him. Technically he’s never told me he even has a burp/fart fetish or anything but he definitely encourages my burps like “nice or omg :flushed: “ lol and he farts all the time in front of me and he calls his own farts cute… I think it’s a joke but I can’t ever tell for sure. My best advice is maybe if it happens call it cute or if it hasnt happened just mention it doesn’t bother you at all and it makes you feel closer to them in a fun sorta way.


I’m gonna reopen this thread… after 3 Yrs, YES. I say buy them a can of Sprite or something… but buy yourself a drink also so that your plan won’t be obvious. It’d just look Ike you were thirsty and didn’t wanna be rude and not offer them anything to drink. That sprite’s most likely going to force some gas up. If they let out a nice eruption…GREAT. If they muffle it, just sound like you’re joking around and say ( next time let it out. It’s not good to hold it in )