Rant Time

I have been here for a while and I have noticed and underlying theme and the theme is some people (not naming names) don’t know how to keep their horny thoughts to themselves. Here is a little tidbid of advice: Think before you type, will it come across as strange or creepy? is hounding this person really what I want to do at this moment in time? also just ask those who already make burp content if you really have to and manners cost nothing. a little bit of grace and decorum go a long way. if these people still to this advice then our lives might be a little bit more joyful and not full of perverts harassing random people.

PS your mum


Oh my god some people are so fucking awkward and embarrassing in YouTube comment sections. Like you can tell some people don’t leave their rooms :sob::sob::sob:


FOR REAL :sob::sob: